

  • THOSE THAT OWE MONEY THIS WEEK: 'treszunigas' owes $10.00 for missing a day of logging food 'bigbus43' owes $10.00 for only getting in four days of exercise instead of the required five. Get your money to Denise or myself (cash or check) ASAP. ALSO...if you still haven't paid your $20 entry fee, it needs paid by this time…
  • Week 2 has been SO MUCH BETTER for me than Week 1...thank goodness! I weighed myself this morning, and I've even managed to lose 4 lbs :) Stay focused on your successes thus far and don't beat yourself up over one bad meal. I find myself doing that sometimes, but if you can acknowledge the bad choice and move forward from…
  • Uggh...that was brutal to get through, but I feel great now! Doing it again Friday morning so feel free to join!!