ndskies Member


  • I ordered my iwatch the day they were released. The order status says "preparing to ship", so I should have it pretty soon. I didn't see a Myfitnesspal app for the iwatch yet. I have been using my fitbit flex and Aria scale with Myfitnesspal, and really like the way it automatically adjusts my calories when I excersise…
  • I foresee a lot of people reading your informative and helpful post as "Blah, blah, blah, I flushed 13 pounds, blah, blah, blah. " People will try the darnedest thing hoping for a magic pill.
  • LOL! This sure beats those protien shakes twice a day that everybody is trying to sell on Facebook!
  • I have a kinect and I just bought xbox gold so I can get on line and play with other people. I haven't tried it yet though. I have several workout games. I have EA Sports Active, Your Shape, Kinect Sports and Dance Central. Dance Central is my favorite. I have Dance Masters, but I really don't care for that one. If anyone…
  • I was doing weight watchers too. I lost weight, but very slowly. It was so slow that I would occasionally just throw up my hands and say it was just not worth it. Of course that caused me to gain back some of what I lost. With the new weight watchers plan, my weight loss stopped altogether. A friend mentioned MFP to me and…
    in Newbie Comment by ndskies March 2011
  • I'm a newb too. I've been doing weight watchers, but not loving the newest plan. A friend told me about the MVP iPod ap, so I decided to give it a try. I love the way it tracks your nutrition stats! That's something WW was lacking. I'm really impressed with the food lists! :drinker: