

  • Yep I too want to see her dress, and then I'll be off to enjoy the free day off. thanks royalies!
  • I understand this, I would actually diet in secret, so that I could fail in secret, rather than have to face the truth and tell others that yes I failed again! Glad you are over it now, I am too!
  • I have always quit in the past because I was not allowing myself enough to eat, being constantly hungry means I just crave food, all I thought about was food! What is different this time is that by counting my calories I realise I can eat more than I thought and still lose weight, my exercise calories are my trade off - if…
  • I was wondering the same thing - I am going to do what you did, tonight when I complete my diary I will note what my 5 week prediction is!!
  • Thanks everyone, I will take on board all your suggestions, particuarly regarding strengthening my back and core muscles, and maybe trying some Yoga which I have always fancied trying! Thanks again, Anne
  • 25, without a doubt! If only.... :o)
  • For me its my step counter, trying to match or beat the previous days steps keeps me from being lazy, and seeing the calories add up is a bonus!
  • I had not really thought about it before, mine was friends only but I have just changed it to public, you are right it makes sense on a site like this. Maybe we are used to the need for privacy on sites like facebook etc. But when I think about it, there are no secrets on my profile, nothing that I would not want anyone…
  • Just around the corner from my house is a small, but very steep hill that I have to walk up each night on my way home from the tube station, this hill comes after a two and a half mile trek, following a full days work. At the bottom of the hill is a bus stop - last night a bus pulled up at the bus stop just as I was…
  • I was wondering about this too, I eat about 2 or 3 pieces of fruit a day, but do not bother to add them to my food diary, and then I saw an advert on here telling me I should not be eating bananas! Why? Perhaps there is someone more knowledgeable about these things that can explain how fruit fits into a healthy eating…
  • Thanks for posting this, I was really disappointed with my weight loss this week (my second week) with it being just slightly more than half a pound! I am no where near giving up, but I have been very careful about what I eat and I'm doing more exercise so I expected to see a better result. Oh well, I shall take what you…