I'm learning ...

Is in a great mood today lost 1lb for starters, then had the school run and its a lovely day outside, drank tons of waters yesterday and continuing today.
I went in to local supermarket and thought i'd treat myself to a caramel and a 5 pack was on offer cheap so i thought ok i can deal with that, i looked at the calorie content and it was 185 calories per bar (6 small chunks) and without looking any further at the nutritional values (obviously bad) i put the back on the shelf while mumbling "Nope dont need that thankyou lol".
2 months ago i could of sat and ate the whole 6 bars in one sitting! So proud of myself :wink:

Plus evenings are hard and i tend to fall off the wagon a bit but as i'm drinking water constantly i did not have one snack last night at all!


  • Brett_Alan
    Way to go!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    That is so awesome. Thats one of the most important parts of adopting a new healthy lifestyle retraining our thinking and knowing our limits. You are doing well.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Way to go! I had a similar experience at a restaurant where I had looked up the burrito I used to get and found that it was over 1300 calories, I thought I could order it and just eat half. Well, I talked myself out of that and got something different which was only 800 calories on it's own...then I only ate half of that. Totally satisified and totally proud of myself for making the better choice!
  • AnneFordham
    Just around the corner from my house is a small, but very steep hill that I have to walk up each night on my way home from the tube station, this hill comes after a two and a half mile trek, following a full days work. At the bottom of the hill is a bus stop - last night a bus pulled up at the bus stop just as I was passing and opened it doors invitingly, ...I had about 5 seconds to decide whether or not to hop on the bus or walk the hill... I walked!!

    So I know just how you felt when you put those caramel bars back on the shelf - probably just as I felt watching that bus pull away up that bloody horrible hill without me!! Well done!

    I love hearing of little victories over temptation :o)
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    Way to go!!! That is the way to fight temptation and change your lifestyle!!!
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Just around the corner from my house is a small, but very steep hill that I have to walk up each night on my way home from the tube station, this hill comes after a two and a half mile trek, following a full days work. At the bottom of the hill is a bus stop - last night a bus pulled up at the bus stop just as I was passing and opened it doors invitingly, ...I had about 5 seconds to decide whether or not to hop on the bus or walk the hill... I walked!!

    So I know just how you felt when you put those caramel bars back on the shelf - probably just as I felt watching that bus pull away up that bloody horrible hill without me!! Well done!

    I love hearing of little victories over temptation :o)

    I hear you too lol i push a little lump in the buggy every day and i used to get a bus home after dropping my girl at school. Now i walk the half hour walk 4 times a day and the buses still pass me and some drivers recognise me and wait so i have to walk past saying "thanks but walking today " No doubt when i actually do need a bus they will not wait lol. Plus saving a bomb on bus fares
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