

  • ok.exhausted no sleep in36 hours due to work and if dont stay up diet gets too far off. This is nuts. sleep time and will get some exercise tomorrow on my day off and all will be right with the world. Have a good night guys. Tried to read the info on bmr/spreadsheet. is gobbly gook to me right now and way to complicated…
  • I work night shifts also and am finding it really hard to eat frequently enough to keep metabolism going. am doing low carb and am progressing but very slowly for first month. what kind of food plan are you following? congrats on your weight loss and hope we can encourage each other to keep going towards a healthier life…
  • exercise done last week but have cut back on pushing exercise till diet is more under control. was not taking in enough calories and with workout stalled weight loss. Have to get regular eating set then will add more exercise in.
  • on treadmill 2 days last week and biked yesterday for about 20 minutes; my body is not made for those things (bikes). Finding it easy to get motivated on days off work but when working 12 hour shifts at night; not a who lot of time or motivation to do anything but sleep and try to eat a decent meal. A little frustrated…
  • I went over the 200 mark for the last time! I was weighing at over 215 and committed to not turn 50 at this weight and in this shape. my goal is 70 pounds with at least half by my birthday in July. I am doing a low carb diet and will try to add back in exercise where I can. I work nights, have a family that I want to be…
  • Hi everyone. I'm Tracy and new to MFP. Just started using fitbit 1/1 and MFT 1/8. Have about 70 pounds to lose with goal of at least half that by time turn 50. Following low carb diet and trying to get back in shape but work nights so is a challenge to eat, sleep and exercise in healthy ways, but have decided I will not…
  • just saw this but will finish all by today. Half done. Realizing how out of shape I am. this stinks...the being out of shape. New food would be almond milk.
  • OK , Im new to this so dont really know what I'm doing. Started my challenge on Jan 1 to lose weight and get fit. have at least 70 pounds to lose. Promised myself I will not turn 50 at this weight or in this shape and goal by july is to lose at least half my weight and to have made good progress in getting back in shape. I…