

  • if you are in edmonton, Kinnikinnick food store, all gluten free and a bakery in-store. So glad my dietation brought this place to my attention!
  • BULLSEYE! A couple years ago, I went on a protein-rich, low carb diet with the orders of no pasta, no bread, no sweets. In hindsight, it was practically a GF free food plan. Upon returning to "regular" food habits, my health progressively got worse to the point I started asking questions. Then with the inital diagnosis…
  • thanks for the feedback. so far the biggest stumbling block is my "snack" time after work, flavored tuna no matter how hard I try does not taste like chocolate cookies. I am being referred to a dietian, that will help.
  • starting up at World Health club again trying to healthily gain back some of the weight Celiac Disease made me lose while I was figuring out what was wrong with me