gotcardi Member


  • Thanks everyone. If I'm making a recipe (like chili, or my enchilada meat) I will include the spices I use.... but if I'm just tossing spices on a couple of breasts of chicken, I don't generally bother. With regards to the cooking spray, I am not planning on measuring how much I am using, or counting how long I am…
  • This same thing just happened to me! I got to 187 and then 188 and then today 189!!!! WTHECK!!!!!!! I know mine is related to TOM and water retention, but it still makes me frustrated as heck. And when *I* get frustrated I turn to food. it's REALLY easy to turn to when all the goodies are hanging around in the teacher work…
  • I am 5'0" and started this 'journey' at 234.5 pounds!!!!! I have lost 47 pounds and still have at least another 50 to go. All of the "researchers" say I should weigh between 100-120 pounds, but I can't even begin to imagine myself at that range. I am aiming for 130-140. It's a process... a journey.... a life style change.…
  • I like my wine in the evenings too. I've found that I am EXTREMELY carb and sugar sensitive when it comes to losing / gaining weight. On that vein, I also found that the sweeter the wine, the worse off I am weight wise. I have found that Chardonnay doesn't affect me like Pinot Grigio does. Maybe experiment with wines and…
    in Wine Comment by gotcardi October 2013
  • My helpful tip (or one that is working for me) is to make sure to make enough food so that there is at least ONE serving of a left over. I am single and have very little motivation to cook, but having left overs keeps me on track (and not eating out for lunch while at work) and makes sure I am eating something healthy for…
  • Oh what the heck, I'm in. :) Hopefully I'll drop more than 10 by Christmas - but if I can hit 10, I'll be happy! :) Let's DO this!
  • I'm a speech therapist and LOVE surfing Pinterest for therapy ideas!!! Such a great idea, that Pinterest!!!! :)
  • I went low/no carb for several months on the HCG diet a few years ago - and once I introduced them back in, I gained the weight back. I try to remain low carb most of the time (as I learned how sensitive my body is to them), but occasionally it's something I need to have (I have rice or pasta once a week). Best of luck to…
  • Dakota, Sedona, Chance, Mason, Mia and Glory. Yes. 6 dogs. I show and breed and wouldn't change a thing! I <3 my fur kids :)
  • I'm single and doing my best to get sexy again ;-)
  • I've been eliminated because of my weight (unfortunately) often, but I automatically eliminate smokers and people who are still legally married when they try to date me.
  • 5'0" HW: 234.5 CW: 225 GW: 135 I seem to do well, and then blow it. I've lost 60 pounds and got into the 160's, then gained it back.... This time I've started exercising. Last week I did really well with eating and exercising, but too much wine kept me from losing any (in fact, I gained). Here's to (sadly) no wine this…
  • I'm interested too - I was planning on starting it once I was on summer break from work. :) I'm interested in hearing reviews.
    in C25k Comment by gotcardi May 2011
  • The first thing I would suggest is having a protein with your meals. Hashbrowns, oranges and apples all break down into essentially carbs - sugars - which have no fuel to burn (protein). Pick 1 fruit in the morning rather than two and add a protein - it should help :)