

  • You can also read this at kelly mom about atkins and other low carb diets
  • I heard that Kim Kardashian used Atkins and lots of exercise to get in shape after her baby. She was also breastfeeding so I'm not sure how she did all that. On the other hand, she has lots of money to pay for the trainers, doctors, and chefs that she needs.. so just remember that you don't have that kind of access. The…
  • I have never tried acupuncture, but I have a few close friends who swear by it. One of them has been doing it throughout her pregnancy (she is 30 weeks now) and it has helped her with back and other pain. Make sure that your acupuncturist knows you are pregnant and that she has experience with pregnancy acupuncture. You…
  • You are not eating enough to maintain milk supply. You probably shouldn't overdo it on the cardio but you can get some in everyday. We all do some cardio, even walking. If I were you, I think you should put your baby first for a week or two, eat lots of healthy food, and build up your milk supply and establish…
  • Thanks everyone for your words of kindness and support! Glad to see I'm not alone ! Iwill work on getting walks in during the evenings... And also on showering daily since it seems to have worked for a few of you and may be a source of motivation.
  • Hi! I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 8 week old and also pumping 1x/day. However, I'm not doing any fancy calculations. I'm just putting -500 calories for EBF (there are some if you search breastfeeding under foods) and going with that. I know it might vary slightly from day to day but this is the average. That said, I…
  • I was about 10 lbs overweight before I got pregnant. I did not gain anything my entire first trimester, so you should not be worried! Although my doctor only wanted me to gain 25 lbs, I ended up gaining about 35 by the end of the pregnancy. That is still the "normal" pregnancy weight gain, but I wanted to be under that…
  • Oh and I also had lots of BH contractions and baby movement. Baby movement is good and means your baby is fine and healthy. Unfortunately, BH contractions don't mean your baby is coming soon... like I said, mine was late!! Best of luck to you for a happy healthy birth experience.
    in Sick Comment by newmama_lols June 2014
  • I had a great pregnancy too until the last few weeks. I had experienced some nausea and fatigue during first trimester, but nothing too bad, and no vomiting. Second trimester was a blast! But after about 32/33 weeks, I started experiencing lots of nausea and then started vomiting in the mornings, a few times a week. I also…
    in Sick Comment by newmama_lols June 2014
  • I'm a first time mom too, and my baby is only 7 weeks old... but I have found and What to Expect in the First Year to be my go-to sources so far. Kellymom isn't the easiest to navigate, but believe me, everything is on there.
  • Hi everyone! I'm at 31 weeks. let's get this group going!!!
  • I realize that pregnancy is temporary and that members will come and go, so let's see if any others respond.
  • I hope so too! Was just worried that the last discussion was 4 months ago.