swim2me Member


  • WOW that is wonderful. Sounds like you are were you should be... that is amazing! You inspire me, I have size 4 in the closet and haven't had them on in 2 years, in a size 10 jean now but making changes and digging those size 4 out. Stay Strong!
  • So nice to meet you too! If you would like to be friends I am adding a few, plan to try and limit to around 20. I usually spend an hour on the computer in the evenings which is way to much. Have a good week!
  • You are unbelieveable! You have lost 43 pounds! WOW! That is great! You are right, you shouldn't do this alone, this is a lifechanging experience.... just like stopping a bad habit like smoking. We all need to get healthy and it is hard when most everything we do socially revolves around food. Good luck to you, we should…
  • Let me know if I am replying correctly to your post. Can you see the posts that I have made to the other ladies who have sent me a message? I added you as a friend. thank you.
  • thank you:smile:
  • I'm not sure you got my message. Still trying to learn how all this works. Thank you for the encourgement! You can do this, you are young and weight will come off a lot easier for you....just work hard and think what your first year anniversary pictures will look like :0)
  • thanks sweetie! You can do it!! You are young and your body can really burn those calories!