di36 Member


  • Whatever the doubters say, this is supposed to work if you have thyroid problems. I eat well and exercise nearly everyday, despite this for the last 8 months I havent lost any weight or inches... I have gotten to the stage when im thinking whats the bloody point. However ive recently read about CLA and help weight loss…
  • Yes, I gets you, im the same though the friends I have seem ok with that. Some days im on often, some days I just record and bugger of. Sometimes im chatty, sometimes im not. Im interested in your recording of exercise. I do kettle and ript (hiit) and mark it as calinstenics, 515 cals, sure im burning more than that..!…
  • A similar workout for free (although you can buy a coach) is the freeletics app / website. I do this on days im not running or at the gym. Its a great workout..!
  • I log everything that goes in my belly EVERYTHING Including drinks
  • Im pretty new too.. only joined the forum yesterday, loving mfp. Add me, Di from Manchester, uk
  • Ive been exercising and eating healthy for 18 month and lost no weight.. couldnt understand it.. then I came on mfp, recording everything that went in my mouth, or considered eating.. it stopped me in my tracks.. I realised what asecret eater I had become, thinking I was eating well as my breakfast snd dinner were fairly…
  • Hi Jon, could be gait issues. Do you heel strike or fore front hit first. Fo you over or under pronate, are you swinging side to side, not using your arms efficiently... I personally am in the minimalist shoe category so dont like over cushioned shoes, weaken the feet in my opinion, but if you like them, then maybe go to a…
  • Im new to the forums. Hopefully I can join in on this in July. Good luck everyone..!
  • http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=kp&v=XiCrniLQGYc
  • Its certainly no fun... please see your gp. Consider anti depressants, theres nothing wrong about taking them 3 out of 4 ofus will suffer with mental ill health at some point. Have you seen the video about the black dog.. you need to take care of yourself sweetie. See the gp, take the first steps to a new life..!
  • Hi transatlantic, I think you should see gp about possible depression and sleep problems, probably connected. Depression, low self esteem, lack of sleep, youre going round in circles honey. Look at breaking the cycle. If you manage your depression, you can then manage better the weight loss. Hopefully..! xxxxx
  • Hi everyone, im Di from Manchester... welcome any friends x
  • Hate to hear people feeling bad about themselves. Have you spoken to your doctor, maybe your gp could help.?