Feeling bad again

I'm in a bad mood today as I usually am in. I did an online chat with a hotline. It was okay I guess. I just really hate myself and I feel ugly and I know that I have to somehow dig myself out of this hold since I feel miserable all day but I don't know how...

I really want to weigh less, I'd feel better if I did, but so far I haven't had any luck :(


  • RacquetChick
    RacquetChick Posts: 164 Member
    Sorry you are having a bad day.

    Lots of people want to weigh less, lots of people feel ugly. Shift your perspective from a visual one to something else. Try to find a hobby you like (swimming, biking, hiking, walking, anything...) and focus on getting better at that.
  • Sorry you are having a bad day.

    Lots of people want to weigh less, lots of people feel ugly. Shift your perspective from a visual one to something else. Try to find a hobby you like (swimming, biking, hiking, walking, anything...) and focus on getting better at that.

    Melissa, thanks for your nice words. I joined the swimming pool to try to lose weight, but I am trying to see it as "I always enjoyed swimming so I should have fun."
  • di36
    di36 Posts: 13 Member
    Hate to hear people feeling bad about themselves. Have you spoken to your doctor, maybe your gp could help.?
  • Hate to hear people feeling bad about themselves. Have you spoken to your doctor, maybe your gp could help.?

    I haven't spoken to a doctor about why I'm not losing weight. Thanks so much for caring. Let me tell you I am tired and sick of not being able to sleep at night and feeling unhappy all the time. When I lay awake at night I keep thinking rational thoughts like "your body is fine" "it's not like your life will be that different if you lose weight so why does it matter" "people are fine with your weight" but I still feel bad and then I finally give up trying to sleep because it's just not happening!
  • di36
    di36 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi transatlantic, I think you should see gp about possible depression and sleep problems, probably connected.
    Depression, low self esteem, lack of sleep, youre going round in circles honey. Look at breaking the cycle. If you manage your depression, you can then manage better the weight loss. Hopefully..!

  • Hi transatlantic, I think you should see gp about possible depression and sleep problems, probably connected.
    Depression, low self esteem, lack of sleep, youre going round in circles honey. Look at breaking the cycle. If you manage your depression, you can then manage better the weight loss. Hopefully..!


    thanks *hugs* I do want to feel better, being depressed isn't doing anything for me at all, it's just pointless...
  • di36
    di36 Posts: 13 Member
    Its certainly no fun... please see your gp. Consider anti depressants, theres nothing wrong about taking them 3 out of 4 ofus will suffer with mental ill health at some point. Have you seen the video about the black dog.. you need to take care of yourself sweetie. See the gp, take the first steps to a new life..!
  • Its certainly no fun... please see your gp. Consider anti depressants, theres nothing wrong about taking them 3 out of 4 ofus will suffer with mental ill health at some point. Have you seen the video about the black dog.. you need to take care of yourself sweetie. See the gp, take the first steps to a new life..!

    Okay, I will...show me the black dog video please. I'd love to see it

  • watching...awwwwwwwwwwwww but that thing is so cute! I just want to hug it....
  • It really sounds like depression. Definitely see the doctor. Medication doesn't work like magic, but it can probably get you feeling better to the point that you can get yourself to do the other things you'd like, like exercising. And that will then help you, too. Hope you feel better soon. I have suffered depression in the past and I know how horrible it makes you feel.
  • It really sounds like depression. Definitely see the doctor. Medication doesn't work like magic, but it can probably get you feeling better to the point that you can get yourself to do the other things you'd like, like exercising. And that will then help you, too. Hope you feel better soon. I have suffered depression in the past and I know how horrible it makes you feel.

    thank you so much for your kind words and i'm really sorry that you suffered depression but glad it is now in the past!
  • You can definitely get through it, too. Mine was years ago, but I am always conscious of how I talk and think to myself. If I find I'm slipping back into the depressed style of thinking, I will really focus on changing it and replacing negative talk with positive. Sounds corny, but it helped me. Good luck! :)
  • You can definitely get through it, too. Mine was years ago, but I am always conscious of how I talk and think to myself. If I find I'm slipping back into the depressed style of thinking, I will really focus on changing it and replacing negative talk with positive. Sounds corny, but it helped me. Good luck! :)

    Thank you. You are sweet and kind. I just tried to sleep but I can't, sigh :(