THanks for all of the suggestions! I have gone to my doctor and she put me on sleep meds. It helps, of course, but I am sure it isnt going to do anything for the long term. My caffine intake is def something that I need to work on. I have been having these issues for about a year now. I used to sleep with the tv on and I…
I want to start it too! I am going the 39 mile Avon Walk for Breast Cancer with my friend in October and I really need to get in shape!
Cajun Shrimp! I love that color!
If you want to keep bringing your leftovers, you can find out how many calories are in each one by plugging them into a calorie site. I got this one from another MPFer and I LOVE IT! I eat the best when I plan the meals! Good luck! I hope this was a little bit helpful!
rach89652 When I was setting up my first email account, I tried rach then rach1 and rach2.... They were all taken so I just put in a list of random numbers and here we have it! :)
That was awesome! Thanks for sharing! :)
WOOOHOO! Way to go! :)
Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I am going to push through even if it is super hard! Hope you guys have a good rest-of-the-week! ;)
This is SOO good to hear. I am just starting out and I am only seeing 1.5 per week. I know I should be happy about that and blah blah blah BUT it just seems like so little when I feel like I am doing so much. So, to see someone half way through the tunnel, I can finally see that ,eventually, there will be a light down…
Yay! How exciting! There is a light at the end of the tunnel! :)
ahh! i know exactly what you mean! I have been trying to get this weight issue of mine under control. At this point, i LOVE working out. I just cant make myself undo all of my hard work! If you find a solution, please share! :)
You are NOT a failure, first of all! Just start as if today were the first day! Work out good and hard and dont worry about what happened in the last couple of weeks! In my opinion, eating right is the hardest thing to do! And girl, you already have that down! Good luck with your work out! I know it will be a good one!
Way to go! :)
This is not silly! This is awesome! It's the "small" goals you reach that help get you movtivated to accomplish the next big goals! And as you can see from my signature, Im all about goals! Im proud of you! :)
Drive Pedal Excerciser Stationary Bike This is the exact discription he has it listed under on ebay and he still has some in stock. I hope you get as much use out of it as I do! :)
I don't know anything about what you work consists of or how strict your boss is ...BUT.. there is a machine that goes under your desk. Its kind of like a tiny bike. You can sit right in your chair and exercise! I got one on E-bay for under $30.00 and its reallyyyy great!
Hey! I am pretty new to this site too. I have a rather large amount of weight to lose myself...blah! But, we can do it! :) I am pretty busy too BUT sometimes I think that helps me the most. I do the worst on the weekends when I am not on such a strict schedule! Good luck with your weight loss! :)
Yeah, there's nothing better than free! I took the idea from someone else's signature. It's awesome to look around at what other people are doing. There is a lot of help on this site!
Hello! This site is so awesome! I have only been at it for a couple of weeks. Its really a good place to be and the best part is that it's FREE! :) You should look into joining one of the groups. Everyone is so helpful and motivating! Good luck meeting your weight loss goals! Rach
Hi! My trainer explained it to me like this: Your body burns so many calories at rest. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest. So, you dont really "burn" that many calories while you are doing it but the outcome of calories burned in the end is where it makes the difference! I hope that…
Hello! I would like to join this group. Cris20056 sent me the link. I am very new at this.
Hey. I'm Rachael. I am pretty new to this whole finess pal thing. I was reading about a group that gets together and plays Biggest Loser. They are on week 7 so I didnt want to try to join at this point. We should get together and make a group! :) Accountability is the HARDEST thing for me. If I know someone is watching, I…