

  • these are some of my favorite and easiest recipes ever, no they are not gourmet, nor are they all the healthiest, BUT they are healthier and cheaper than most fried fast food and greasy take out :) *KALE CHIPS- just wash kale and pull off stems, dry, spread out on baking sheet, spritz with a little oil, salt and pepper,…
  • Well... I wasn't hungry until I ran through this thread... so brb going to stuff my face!! lol oh and those spring rolls look soooooo good!!!:love:
  • i love these before and afters! its amazing how much younger and different you all look!!
  • what does it matter if its my first post or 3000th. and youre prediction was wrong.
  • Chickpeas!! (aka garbanzo beans) Recently I have used them to make homemade hummus and healthy blondies. I also marinate them and throw them in salads or roast them with cinnamon and sugar. They are versatile and fairly cheap too!
  • For everyone having a heart attack because i was being sarcastic and telling me to have a sense of humor when i was kidding, i was JUST KIDDING. how are you gonna tell me to take a joke when some of you cant? its really not that serious. lol
  • I do have one, which is why I posted a JOKE about the bleach jesus. i dont really want the kid to drink bleach, its called sarcasm because he was talking about drinking chemicals.
  • which was also a joke, i dont actually want him to drink bleach. thought thatd be obvious.
  • I don't see how sticking up for someone who didn't do anything is rude or judgemental.
  • How did I judge anyone in that statement? and I don't see it being rude to get aggravated at people who are literally telling the poor guy who posted this that his recipe is basically crap. and if he can make a sarcastic joke then why cant i? and no, i dont see making a random post as being an overachiever in any way,…
  • Quite a bit of people in this thread seem to be very judgemental and negative. Everyone has different ideas and I think this one's great. It's not like he's shoving the cookies down your throat, he's just putting a recipe out there. Chill out. If you don't wanna eat them THEN DON'T. I will definitely be trying the lemon…