groovyreba Member


  • Unless you've suffered with chronic pain from a disease you have in your genes, you just don't get it! This is why I needed the motivation and support. Despite what the judgmental people here may think, I am not a lazy couch potato, so kindly step aside. Thanks so much to all of the others who are not judging me for my…
  • Thank you everyone! This is most motivating...
  • I just sent a lot of friend requests…Thanks everyone.
  • Thank you. Arthritis in any form SUCKS. I too am recovering from a flare. Mine lasted a long time. Finally decided to switch meds and I start remicade next week. I've been told that I should feel better so I'll feel more like working out. Good luck to you as well.
  • Let me know how those zumba classes go...
  • I've been going 5-6 times a week and trying to get in a minimum of 30-45 minutes, but most days it is longer. I'm doing all types of exercises. I'm not a great swimmer, but I'm getting my heart rate up and I can actually FEEL the muscles I'm working - if that makes sense. And I do feel better.
  • Hi there. I have psoriatic arthritis which is very similar to RA. It totally sucks, doesn't it? I have been very active for the last few years and lost about 25 pounds. I was so proud of myself and then I went into a flare that wouldn't stop. I'm still having significant hip pain, but they say there is nothing wrong with…
  • I just had a blood test over adrenals, TSH, ,t3, etc. My doctor's office has all lab records online, so I'm able to see actual numbers...that's the only way I know what my sodium looks like.
  • Thanks. I've looked into the paleo, but not sure it's one I can live with. However, I admire you for finding what works for you. I'm going to look it over again.
  • Mine wasn't anywhere near that much, but it was more than I'm eating now...
  • I suspected that I indeed WAS not eating enough calories and this confirmed it. Thanks for sharing it.
  • So, I got all my results back and everything is smack in the middle of the normal range. So, I'm not sure why I can't sleep and why I feel so rotten. I guess it must be this arthritis flare I'm having. :( It totally sucks. At least though I know everything is ok. Of course, I did get the diagnosis of hashimotos...not that…
  • My ultrasound showed an abnormally small thyroid indicative of hashimotos. I still haven't gotten blood tests back yet...
  • There are a couple of websites you can use to do some research. One is Mary Shomon's thyroid website. The other is called "". Both have a lot of information. One thing I have learned is not to simply accept a diagnosis. I want the exact numbers and I ask questions A LOT OF QUESTIONS! If…
  • Hhhhhhmmmmm!!! I just looked at the last lab I had which contained sodium check. My level was 138 and the reference marks were 135-145. That was back in September. I'm experiencing all of the symptoms you've mentioned. I know the endo just checked my adrenal function as well as TSH, B12, and sugar. They haven't called with…
  • Also make sure that if your doctor isn't supportive of you or your symptoms, find another one. I used to be faithful to my doctors; however, I will fire them now in a heartbeat if they aren't listening to me.
  • Definitely check out the Shomon site. It's great. Also, I used to just accept that they told me I was "normal"; however, now I ask to see the specific numbers. Some doctors use the .5 - 5 range and some use a smaller range.
  • Whenever I've lost weight, my thyroid levels have needed to be adjusted. The important thing MAY be to not think of yourself as fixed forever and continue to have your levels monitored. Of course, I'm not a doctor. I'm speaking from experience. The same is true whenever I've gained weight, my levels have needed to be…
  • So, I had my first visit with the endo. Unfortunately, her first statement to me is that she only uses synthroid. This is fine with me, I suppose. We talked a lot about my symptoms and what can be done. I did kind of feel like she was saying I would have to learn to cope with some of my symptoms. However, she did blood…
  • So, the endo's office called today and moved my appointment to tomorrow morning. I've got to make a list of questions to ask and things to discuss. Where should I start? Any suggestions would be very helpful...
  • I have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and hypothyroidism. I suspect hashis, but haven't been to the endo yet. I go later in the month of June. So, I'll know more then. 2 pieces of advice from me: 1. find a good doctor and build a relationship. If the doctor isn't good, dump 'em and 2. do your own research; be your…
  • So, I've been taking a break the last few days because of pain in my shoulder. Maybe I shouldn't be taking a break, but should do some different exercises...something to think about...
  • I finally got the referral to an endo. I'll let you all know what he says. I believe our experiences help one another, so maybe whatever I find out at that appointment will help someone in a similar situation.
  • I took today off and am thinking of researching something else. Not sure what yet.
  • Thanks Paula. I do feel like I should be a little more careful. What exercise do you do?
  • This sounds very much like my experience. :)
  • I didn't think about the fact that she may be including exercise. This is something I'll ponder a while longer. :)
  • I so needed this advice today!
  • I just started today. Oh my gosh. I believe that Jillian Michaels tried to kill me. :wink:
    in Level 2 Comment by groovyreba May 2013