

  • I don't mind upping my calorie intake by a little, I just know that as soon as I start having more than 1200, my weight piles back on, and being back to my original weight is not something I really wanna do! And thanks for the green tea tip, I'll look into that! Awesome ideas guys x
  • Sounds an idea! Thanks :) Also, I tend to go a bit too far me thinks with black coffee/tea, rather than always sticking to water. Do you find anything else suitable instead?x
  • Wow. I sound so boring in comparison! Usually its just maybe a boiled egg, lettuce, a slice of ham and a few tomatoes for lunch, and then soup/noodles or maybe a piece of chicken with more salad for dinner! So I guess you can see why I'm so bored of it! Never have much variety apart from on Sundays where we have the obv…