sm27357 Member


  • I am going to say do the commute. Personally crossfit pushes me to do things I didn't think I could do so I work a lot harder than when I work out on my own.
  • He's wrong. Exercise burns calories. Your weight is a result of the balance of calories you eat and those burned. You burn them via exercise. I'm an RD trust me. Sure you can lose weight by just watching what you eat, but doing both diet and exercise is faster. Not to mention you'll increase your metabolism which will…
  • It is not appropriate for the teacher to make you child feel bad about his food. She should not have said this to as it affects your child's self-esteem and does not create a positive environment. It creates one in which people (kids) will feel justified in judging others. As a pediatric dietitian, I do not recommend…
  • YES! I use myfitnesspal to keep a diary of what I eat and to make sure I am gaining the appropriate amount of weight and getting all my nutrients. I am only 9 weeks pregnant and have put on 7 pounds, however I was only 106 pounds at 5'4" when I first learned I was pregnant. I increased my caloric intake by about 200…
  • I agree. You look like a pin up girl no matter what size!