I was thinking yesterday how squishy my belly fat feels, kinda like I'm bloated but I don't feel uncomfortable.
That is fascinating! Thank you!
Thanks scorpiana89!
Yesterday was, and 700+ was exercise calories that MFP recommended and as I said in post it wasn't a great day - (birthday at work) That is something I'm currently focused on. Sorry, I'm 170cm - Starting weight from Nov '13 was 90kg.
Thank you abercrombie00 and Spiraleifinat, I am (obviously) hoping to stay on track, but how much do you ignore the MFP recommendations? I guess I'm worried if I stray off the path (I actually feel fine when eating 1200 at the moment) that I wont actually be progressing with my goals.. But should I not put my faith in the…
About 6kg since NYE, 10kg since November, but I was putting a lot of that down to water weight being lost - I finally got my real job, and I'm getting out of highly stressful/miserable few years of working at a desk and the only movement I did in the evenings was moving cheese into my face. In the last 6 months I've…
digital scales... (is that the question you're asking?)