First 3 wks of major weight loss, this last wk nothing :(

I started keeping my MFP food diary on the 1st of January - and apart from a few days here or there have keep well within (often under) the 1200 calories - I do a lot of my own cooking, but sometimes find it hard to hit all my targets with good things. Please feel free to take a gander at my diary (although yesterday wasn't a great day).

I cycle to work once or twice a week, and have just started doing a 0 to 5k programme 3 evenings a week this week. I have a fitbit and I always try and eat as many as my exercise calories as possible.

Why haven't I lost a thing this week? I feel really disheartened.

Graph of weigh (I also have fitbit scales I'm using their API):


  • It will always slow down alittle some days no loss just stick with it. At least you didnt gain :-) also I want to add I 1200 is to low eventually youll stop losing. I almost never have a clean day of eating and just make sure its in my tdee and I. Have lost 80 lbs since June.
  • First off this website is a disgrace in encouraging people to eat 1200 calories. You're body needs at least 1500 calories to live off of.... That's why you lost weight very quickly but cannot lose anymore. You're body is not getting enough nutrients so it is storing them. I won't tell you where it's storing them but I'll give you a hint... its where all your food digests and where it's hard to zipper pants. I suggest eating at least... at least 1,400 calories and maybe elevate your exercising with that. If you do not follow this, you are starving your body and will quickly become run down. This is coming from someone who was not only doing the same as you are but became anorexic because of it. NOT only that I studies nutrition and dietetics for years and years. Good luck.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    How are you measuring your food?
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    digital scales... (is that the question you're asking?)
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    If I'm reading the graphic correctly you've already lost 5 kgs in 1 month... I honestly don't think you have much to complain, maybe you're even eating too little if you've been able to lose so much in such a short amount of time. Anyway it's always easier to lose the first kgs, when I joined on here I was at a very heavy weight and I lost 1 kg a week for the first month, then I've been able to only lose 0,5 kgs more or less (depending on how much I was eating and my activity level). If I got the graphic wrong please forgive me :)
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    If I'm reading the graphic correctly you've already lost 5 kgs in 1 month...

    About 6kg since NYE, 10kg since November, but I was putting a lot of that down to water weight being lost - I finally got my real job, and I'm getting out of highly stressful/miserable few years of working at a desk and the only movement I did in the evenings was moving cheese into my face. In the last 6 months I've remembered I love cooking, went through a BAKE-ALL-THE-CAKES phase and am now focusing how can I cook healthily. I also built myself a bike and realised how much I love not having to find a car parking space.

    I was shocked at the sudden weight loss, can this week be could down to weight plateauing as my body adjusts?

    I'm not trying to complain, or show off - I'm interested in just understanding :)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    First of all, what is your weight and height? If you are active I suggest eating more than 1200 a day.. Losing 5kg in a month isn't exactly healthy if you weigh less than 200lb
  • Jennilyn79
    Jennilyn79 Posts: 30 Member
    If you look at her diary MFP suggests she eat around 1900 a day. Also, MFP warns you if you eat less than 1200 a day about that being too low. I only know that because I accidentally hit the complete entry button halway through the day once. I agree absolutely that too many people eat too few calories. They see a loss an think they'll lose more if they cut more without realizing the effects of hat they're matter how many times people have advised them to not go below bmr. While I very much agree that it's calories in vs out I really think people should pay more attention to protein fat and carb goals also. The more you adjust your diet to being nutritious the better results you'll get and the better you'll feel. Weight loss and especially learning about nutrition is hard. In the beginning people are so focused on calories in vs out for. Hopefully the OP can take some time to evaluate her food diary and see where she could add more protein, less sugar etc
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you abercrombie00 and Spiraleifinat,

    I am (obviously) hoping to stay on track, but how much do you ignore the MFP recommendations?
    I guess I'm worried if I stray off the path (I actually feel fine when eating 1200 at the moment) that I wont actually be progressing with my goals.. But should I not put my faith in the MFP numbers?
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    If you look at her diary MFP suggests she eat around 1900 a day.
    Yesterday was, and 700+ was exercise calories that MFP recommended and as I said in post it wasn't a great day - (birthday at work)
    Hopefully the OP can take some time to evaluate her food diary and see where she could add more protein, less sugar etc
    That is something I'm currently focused on.
    First of all, what is your weight and height? If you are active I suggest eating more than 1200 a day.. Losing 5kg in a month isn't exactly healthy if you weigh less than 200lb

    Sorry, I'm 170cm - Starting weight from Nov '13 was 90kg.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree with what the others are saying. I have a moderate amount of weight to lose at about 20 pounds, but I refuse to eat less than 1400 calories a day. I'm currently at 1450, workout 5-6 days a week anywhere between 25-60 mins, eat some of my calories back some days, less on others, and I'm doing just fine. I have three filling meals and three snacks and so I never feel deprived because I'm eating all day. Weight loss is exciting, the more the better obviously, but being able to be consistent will help us out in the long run. I do not believe 1200 is totally maintainable after awhile, and the weight might come back one you're of eating so little.
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks scorpiana89!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. There's going to be weeks where you lose nothing, and some you "gain" (water retention). As long as there's a downward trend you're fine.

    I do agree you should be eating more though. 1200 is NOT alot to work with, and if you are exercising, which it looks like you are, you should be eating more.Aim to eat at least half of your exercise calories back. Fuel your body for the work you're putting on it, otherwise you're going to run into problems.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    First off this website is a disgrace in encouraging people to eat 1200 calories. You're body needs at least 1500 calories to live off of.... That's why you lost weight very quickly but cannot lose anymore. You're body is not getting enough nutrients so it is storing them. I won't tell you where it's storing them but I'll give you a hint... its where all your food digests and where it's hard to zipper pants. I suggest eating at least... at least 1,400 calories and maybe elevate your exercising with that. If you do not follow this, you are starving your body and will quickly become run down. This is coming from someone who was not only doing the same as you are but became anorexic because of it. NOT only that I studies nutrition and dietetics for years and years. Good luck.

    Not everyone needs at least 1500 calories to live... That's a function of age, size, weight, etc. Calculate your BMR and see what you need. You can calculate it here and other sites on the web. I've calculated mine several different places. I'm a small woman (not quite 5'3"). My BMR is around 1375/1380 based on the different places I've calculated it. One had it as high as 1420, but most around that 1380 number. The smaller you are, the less you need to live.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    Weight loss is never linear. You'll go up, down, all around. Significant loss in the first 3 weeks happens and then slows. That's normal. You lost water weight. Fat is harder to lose. You can keep your calories at 1200 as long as you continue to eat your activity calories, too. It is good that you are eating those. If you keep stalling, consider upping your base calorie level. Sometimes, it seems weird, but eating more can cause loss.

    Be sure you don't overestimate calories burned. .Invest in a heart rate monitor. Calories burned will be more accurate. Be patient and hang in there.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Coincidentally I just read this article -

    It may be applicable to you.
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    Coincidentally I just read this article -

    It may be applicable to you.

    That is fascinating! Thank you!
    RCRCR Posts: 8 Member
    I was thinking yesterday how squishy my belly fat feels, kinda like I'm bloated but I don't feel uncomfortable.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if you adjust your calories so that you're eating a bit more, you'll lose less in a month, but you'll lose weight constantly. 1 kg a week isn't bad if you're starting, but I guess that if you lose all at once and then nothing it explains itself :)