ellashaw77 Member


  • I have a fitbit and aim to do at least 10,000 steps a day which isn't actually too difficult. It seems to be working as I'm losing weight faster than I ever have before and the only thing I've changed is that I'm walking more :)
  • I made a new dessert today, banana and berry "ice-cream" super easy. You chop up 3 bananas and freeze for at least 6 hours, get them out and put them in a blender until smooth then add 50g frozen berries. Tastes just like ice cream but really healthy :D
  • Firsty, well done on your weight loss so far :) Secondly, I've been having the same problem, I was 174lb when I started 2 months ago and the weight came steadily off me until recently (I'm now down to 161lb). I find that if I exercise more and therefore eat more, I lose weight easier. This seems to be what other people say…
  • I'm 5ft 5 (and a bit) and 160lb and fit into a UK size 12 very comfortably but I don't think I'll ever be a size 10 even if/when I reach my goal weight because I have broad shoulders, wide hips and a big chest! I think if there was a size 11 that's what I would be right now but I don't actually hold much weight around my…
  • It's quite interesting how after eating well for a number of weeks one thing can make you feel all blobby and horrible. Last week my friends were going to pizza hut for lunch and a catch up and I joined them but for about 3 days afterwards I felt horrendous! By the sounds of things it's an experience to learn from and in…