

  • I put my weight training under strength training in the cardio section....when i just do sit up and push ups, I then put it under calistenics (sp?) doing it that way, i at least get some calories counted!!! :)
  • i looked online and also spoke to an instructor today, they both say 450-800 calories - i just depends on how hard you are going at it :)
    in Piloxing Comment by Cleezer October 2011
  • Yes, it does take your age and weight into account. I have noticed that as I have lost a few pounds, the number of calories I have burned for the same previous workout has decreased. I have to say, it is frustrating, but I am glad to have lost a few pounds.
  • I felt the same way. I actually work out all the time and I didn't think this calorie counter would make a difference. I was wrong. It was very eye opening to see how many calories I was consuming every day. I have been using this for several weeks and I am seeing the pounds start to come off. Nice. Good luck, be honest…
    in HELLO ALL Comment by Cleezer April 2011
  • I am kind of new. I have been using the app on my phone for about 2 weeks. I was amazed at the amount of calories I was eating every day. And I eat pretty healthy, it was more of a portion control problem for me. And I now exercise nearly every day, I love getting the extra calories added!! :)
  • I have a smoothie recipe that sticks with you for the morning. 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 banana 1 cup of skim milk ice Blend it all together and enjoy - the kiddos love it too. You can also add a bit of chocolate syrup. YUMMY!!
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