

  • Have you ever tried a boot camp style workout? I love those the best. Lifting weights in a gym bores me to tears, but this style workout I love. It mixes resistance training and cardio, which saves time. OOPS!! I forgot the quote thingie! Sorry for the repeat post. :sad:
  • Have you ever tried a boot camp style workout? I love those the best. Lifting weights in a gym bores me to tears, but this style workout I love. It mixes resistance training and cardio, which saves time.
  • Lots of discussions going on here. What I've found for me is that I can exercise 6 days a week and if I don't watch how many calories I eat and eat too many, then I don't lose weight. So for me watching my calories is key, but exercise is very important too. Here are some things I've read and I want to throw out some…
  • My daily goal is 1268 and it's very easy for me to stick with it and not be hungry. Some of my meals are 2 tablespoons PB with a banana. Cup of 1% organic milk with a cup of Quaker Oatmeal squares. 2 eggs, 1 slice of low fat swiss cheese, slice of turkey bacon, on a 100 calorie on a 100% whole wheat bread thin thingie.…