piejin Member


  • I went through the same thing the first time I did Insanity! By the end of the first month my calves were just killing me constantly. I thought that the recovery week would help, but for me it actually made it worse because doing the same workout every day meant putting the same strain on the same muscles every day when…
  • I'm here! I just joined the site last month to help keep myself accountable for what I eat. I haven't made any visible progress yet in losing fat, but I've been sticking to my 1200 calorie-a-day goals on a weekly average, and I'm hoping if I keep up with it I'll start seeing changes in this next month.
  • I think you'll be fine! I'm finishing up week 5 of T25, and I've been doing other additional workouts basically every single day without problems so far.
  • I'm in the middle of week 5 Alpha! Glaring daggers at the endless total body circuits, by far my least favorite workout... I haven't seen any visible results yet, but I only started recording measurements last week because I was too embarrassed before then to even bring myself to go that far. I'm hoping desperately that I…
  • Pretty much all my fat is in my lower back... My body type is "camel," apparently.
  • I don't eat potatoes, but it's for the same reason I don't buy regular pasta, white rice, or white bread at the store. I don't see why I'd pick it when there is an alternative that's just as delicious but way more nutritious. Actually, IMO sweet potatoes taste a million times better than regular potatoes, too, so it's win…
  • I'm having the exact same problems as you with fatigue! I'm currently doing T25 in the mornings and a P90X/Insanity hybrid in the afternoons, and I walk for 45 minutes to an hour every day. The one rest day a week I have just isn't cutting it for me in terms of getting recovered, but I can't afford to do any less exercise…
  • Well, not having a lot of weight to lose certainly isn't helping me. :( I only have about 5 pounds to lose, which means if I'm not extremely strict with myself I get nowhere... but when I'm extremely strict with myself, I eventually break down and just binge and undo all of my hard work.