aprilabrao Member


  • Terrie A stay at home mom is the hardest and most rewarding job there is I was able to be a stay at home mom for 11 years and it was the best years of my life but also not easy most people think stay at home moms sit on the couch watching oprah all day. So not true we do everything you listed and more so those people need…
  • Thankyou so much Terrie I'm glad we found each other on this site :)
  • I am trying girl but I have days where I have the munchies and have no control I hate myself at those times :( but usually I do pretty good but can use some encouragement since Isometimes eat way to much because Im depressed due to a recent/crazy breakup with the boyfriend. Today is a new day and I have heald my own :)
  • I totally agree Terrie .
  • I don't believe they work for long term I've had 2 of them and they never worked out and now I'm watching my brother try and make one work ANC after over a year it's not going so well , it gets very wearing on a person so unless you can get together after a year of a long distance relationship then go for it it it going to…
  • I totally agree if your not loosing weight with all that working out you definitlly need to change your eating habits , you cant do one without the other and expect change ,eat less calories and make the calories you do take in healthy such as fruit and vegetables lay off the carbs.
  • you look amazing!!!! good job I know its aloyt of work but the outcome is so worth it. April