

  • Good morning ladies ! It has been awhile since I checked in and I have discovered that not checking in and not keeping track about what has been going in my mouth has been a BAD thing ! The scale seems to be going in the WRONG direction so as of this morning , I am going to try my hardest to get back and on track ! I DON'T…
  • Still April here in the Northwest for a couple more hours ! The Vancouver Canucks just lost their game tonight ....... I have upset MALES in the family .... me not so much ! LOL ! i so ready to be done with HOCKEY for this season but still have a month or more of it to suffer through ! April was a very good month for me as…
  • Just popping in to say Hi ladies ! I have been keeping my food journal up every day but haven't had time to chat this past week ! Sounds like everybody is busy and more then a few of us are tired of the weather that Mother Nature keeps plying with ! We have been lucky in the North for the most part this past week as we…
  • Good evening everybody ! Hope you have all had a great weekend ! Been cool here but our snow is slowly melting ... with some help from a shovel or two ! LOL ! Didn't do a lot of physical exercise this weekend but I did spend a lot of time doing housework . Hope to have the basement finished this week then I have to tackle…
  • OMG !!!! :laugh: I could have written this ! I do so good all week long then DH is home on the weekend and POW .... there goes all my motivation to stay on track ! Could it be because he always as to have a doughnut with our coffee at Tim Horton's and usually brings me one too .... Last week I said I COULDN'T eat it so he…
  • I never liked sweet potatoes until my sister got me to actually try them . I actually cheat and buy the ready cut fry ones ( Mann's I do believe ) then put a handful in a bowl , add less then a tsp of olive oil to coat , sprinkle with Sea Salt , toss good then lay on a cookie sheet or the " holey " pizza pan and cook at…
  • Good morning ladies ! Hope that everybody has a great day planned ! We woke to a couple inches of snow that fell overnight ... so pretty but oh so tired of it ! It is already melting though so should be gone by noon ( hopefully ! ) and maybe take some of the buildup with it ! I am spending the day housecleaning .as I have…
  • Wow , you ladies are full of info and fun ! I can't believe how many posts I read through since i joined last week ! LOL ! Way to go to all of you that exercised in some form or another ! I figure that I get exercise if I just get some housework done and walk to my mailbox every day ! At least now it isn't snowing and -30c…
  • Focus on small amounts of weight loss at a time rather then the whole amount ! Makes the task easier to visualize and not as frustrating .... how do I know ? I too have 100 lbs to lose !! Good luck ! The support is here for the asking !
  • Not quite April here yet ... an hour to go yet ! I am excited for April to get here as it will bring the last of our deep snowbanks ( I hope ! ) and icy roads so I can get out a do some walking ! Winter has been very long here this year with too much snow ( 4' in our yard 2 weeks ago ... and that wasn't the snowbanks ! ) ,…
  • Beautiful Northern British Columbia , BC ! Not so beautiful at the moment as we are still buried under 4" of snow and what has melted is dirty and gross ! It is beautiful in the summer though for the outdoors person ! Came for 5 years and have stayed for almost 30 !