Just got out there and did it! I don't like feeling like I'm on a schedule because it makes working out feel like a chore, so I just run when I feel like running.
Canned salmon with mayo, sriracha, garlic, and lemon. Found it on Runner's World and it's actually delicious!
Thanks for the responses. Miljos - your comment encouraged me to suck it up and buy the shoes. Hopefully they'll make a difference!
I've been on it for over a year for acne and it's worked amazingly well. Only side effect for me is that it's a diuretic so I have to run to the bathroom more frequently. Even that side effect either wore off after a while or I got used to it... doesn't seem as bad anymore. Totally worth it to me to finally have clear…
I posted on facebook that I'm giving up alcohol for Lent, and I think my friend who is visiting me this weekend is disappointed. It's already hard to give it up!
I usually walk up and down the stairs if I can't walk outside, or I pack a snack for the afternoon around 2:00. I don't see anything wrong with a cup of coffee, though. I love coffee!
I'm in! I was planning on doing it anyways.. without the cheat days for me because if I cheat I won't stop ;)
@pugsleyjean - I'm also 10/11/14!
Last year, I gave up soda and never went back to it, but I started drinking energy drinks occasionally. I think this year I'll give up alcohol because I drink wayyy too much and it's way too many calories.
Not worried, Jacwhite22. Just curious.
Awesome, I've been drinking a lot more than they recommend then. I'm gonna assume that's a good thing :)
It's part of a workout I've been doing involving crunches, squats, leg lifts, etc. I also rock climb 3 days a week and run outside.
Thanks for the tips! My back does arch off the floor when I try to do them, so I'll try a modified version tonight.
Thanks! I had no idea. I already eat a lot of green vegetables, so I should be covered.
Thanks for the feedback! I have to play around with getting pictures posted soon.
Thank you for the replies! After over-indulging a little bit (or maybe a lot of bit) over the weekend, it was good to read comments encouraging me to not obsess and to not let it derail my whole week.