

  • At the top of the page, select "MY HOME" and from that, select underneath it "GOALS." Then choose the green button that says "Change Goals." Choose Guided and the next page will have a drop down menu that you can choose to lose 2 lbs per week. There is nothing higher than this because it isn't as safe and long lasting to…
  • awlriiight (with 3 i)- I started instagram a few weeks ago so most of my pics are my animals, but I am now making it primarily for logging fitness, nutrition and the like. I'll follow back once I know your username :)
  • 2oz dry pasta is approximately 1cup cooked, so you could measure your pasta, but weighing it is much more accurate. You can get a food scale for $20 and up, I bought mine at Bed Bath and Beyond, but I'm sure other places sell it too like Walmart and Target. Once you've weighed food for a while you get pretty good at…