

  • I didn't gain over there. It's just after its kept back on. RE: scales Yeah! Actually a possibility my scales did break so wasn't using scales as much. I weigh all my curious out now and rebar it in 30g bags so I don't have to do it everyday xD
  • Not exactly the same but there is nothing stick out. So frustrating.
  • Looking back from when i first started in 2010, There isn'tt a big difference in what i eat, primarily the ammount of carbs i think.. because i have always had a sandwich for lunch.. So i guess i'll try cut down on carbs.. I used to find it so easy, weighing things religiously into portion sizes now it seems such a chore…
  • Yea, I did begin to think maybe i was eating too much Rice, i was eating it with almost every meal aswell as some type of other carbs. I just struggle sometimes when i eat the full ammount of carbs i feel like im eating way too much and feel guilty.
  • Done that for you. It's a bit hit & miss at times.
  • Sorry - don't know how to make my diary public? And I think you may have understood. I am from the UK just went on vacation to USA and just use it as a marker Cus that seems ye point it all went tits up.
  • It is achievable with determination. Hopefully we can be here to support you. if i look back now on when i first started i'd have thought i would have gained another 30lbs by August but here i am almost 36lbs lighter. You've just got to stick at it. It won;'t happen overnight and we all have bad days.
  • Hi, I weigh in with my dietician every 2 weeks, don't ever way in midweek when you see a scale at your friends or something. it will only lead to dissapointment. In the 8 months i have been losing weight I have had some really big weeks and some really low weeks as far as 1 week sticking at even gaining once! but fro 8…
  • Heyy Jodi, Welcome to the site. I don't usually use the site i'm more into using it on my iphoine to keep track of my foods. Although recently i have to admit i've not had the chance to do ti and sometimes the foods just aren't on there.. but you can manually input them yourself i guess. I've come here because after 8…