

  • Oh my gosh, yes. I have had always problems with my face (around my mouth to be exact), and nothing ever worked. God knows, I tried everything that is available on market. And I'm 38! Two months ago I quit eating anything sweet (because of my diet), and two weeks into my new regimen my acne disappeared! So I am happy to…
  • It's my third month on the Dukat Diet. If you're interested, here are some very important tips that I came up with : 1) Protein is a key. There are plenty of foods besides the lean protein that are allowed, but always remember it's eating the proteins that makes you lose. However, nonfat yogurt is a god send. 2) Don't…
  • The diet is supposed to work only if you follow through all four stages. So, it's not a short diet, it's a year long commitment. So, I would do it only if you're in a good place emotionally and physically. You absolutely can't slip..