Slipping :( Dukan Diet

Hey everyone! I had lost a fair amount of weight over the summer (10 pounds on my 5-foot not-that-overweight frame) with yoga and diet. However, I gained most of it back (about 7 pounds) from general stress. I'm moving to the Netherlands for a research fellowship for 3 months in February, and I will be doing a lot of traveling in the meantime. I want to lose the weight and more, and I was wondering if anyone had tried the Dukan Diet and what they could tell me about it. I'm a little concerned because, (a) I don't like following diets for which one has to pay, and (2) I'm a vegetarian. Thanks in advance for the help!


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Do the "500 calories less than I need to maintain, a day" diet instead :)
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    While I have no opinion on Dukan because I haven't done much research on the diet, I really advise that you address what caused you to gain the weight back, and work on that first. In other words, figure out how to keep control of your diet even though you're stressed. Since you're falling off the wagon for reasons other than the specific diet, this will happen no matter what diet you try, so that problem needs to be worked on before you try again.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    Psh, you don't wanna be running around Europe and restricting yourself from trying all the amazing food. Just eat a little less, and if you make it to France would you please have some wine and cheese for me?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Do the "500 calories less than I need to maintain, a day" diet instead :)

    Pretty much this. There is no reason to restrict more food especially since you are a vegetarian. Just eat foods high in protein and have a good food scale.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    Do the "500 calories less than I need to maintain, a day" diet instead :)

    Pretty much this. There is no reason to restrict more food especially since you are a vegetarian. Just eat foods high in protein and have a good food scale.

    Considering the OP's height, small size and little weight to lose, wouldn't eating 500 cals less than maintenance result in cal intake too low for her?

    OP, I have tried Dukan Diet before. I did not pay for a coach. Because it's a no-carb diet, you do lose initial weight very quickly. However, I personally found it far too restrictive in terms of what you can and cannot eat. This would be worse for you as a vegetarian, I think.

    Like you, I didn't have much weight to lose (already healthy weight when I started the diet) and the weight loss slowed considerably after the initial rapid loss. The diet works on the premise that you can eat all you want except for carbs and that was probably why I didn't end up at goal. I was eating too much, lol! The restriction also meant that I put the weight back on really quickly after stopping the diet because I started binging on carbs.

    You can try it if you want though :) For me, on hindsight, now that I'm simply counting cals, this is a much better way to lose weight than to follow a diet that has so many rules.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Do the "500 calories less than I need to maintain, a day" diet instead :)

    Actually, since she has little to lose, 250 calories less would be better.
  • bgh707
    bgh707 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for your help, everyone!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Do the "500 calories less than I need to maintain, a day" diet instead :)

    this ….
  • Fridaklo77
    I tried the Dukan 2 years ago, I lost about 13 lbs. However, the minute I splurged, I gained it al lback plus some. So, I would advise to just stick to this site. The oatbran galetes are great to munch on ...its oat bran, greek yogurt and egg whites. If you want to slim down fast, it does work ..........temporarily........
  • mimimilka
    The diet is supposed to work only if you follow through all four stages. So, it's not a short diet, it's a year long commitment. So, I would do it only if you're in a good place emotionally and physically. You absolutely can't slip..

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    The Caloric Deficit Diet is much better. That will be $49.95.
