guitargod2014 Member


  • I have, on and off, been trying to steadily get healthier, fitter and lighter. I fall off and stop because other events and motivation falls off. Then I feel that I want to do better and, when I do, I feel great - every day, and every night. I would like you to feel like this too. First of all, I like to think of mfp,…
  • 1900 is my target and I am often below this. Slowly losing weight but travelling on business whilst trying to lose weight and getting healthier is a challenge. Still, I try to be in it for the long run.
  • Life is for living. Well done on the weight that you have managed to lose. it has clearly taken you a lot of hard work to lose what you have lost. Therefore, you are not going to put all that weight back on by the odd over-indulgent day here or there. What to try and avoid is over-indulging every day. This will change the…
  • I am another one who would suggest that you do track fruit and vegetables. Apart from more accurately counting calories, and the fact that some contain quite a high calorie count, it is also useful if you look at your nutrition count over a day, week etc.
  • I think that you should definitely log your exercise, I certainly do. Not only does this give me a better picture of how I am doing but it also makes me feel heaps better when I look at my net calories per day/week etc.
  • I would recommend a cross-trainer / elliptical machine. Do also scan ebay etc. to see what is around as there are a lot of people selling them through lack of use. This will allow you to buy a much better quality machine for the same budget and, as some have said, the better quality machines definitely make a difference.
  • Thank you to everyone for your comments which are much appreciated. I am happy with how I am doing and gradual weight loss coupled with gradual increase in fitness is what I am looking for. I am trying to do more of a long term lifestyle change than a big sudden change and will therefore keep going with what I am doing.
  • Whilst I still have an occasional slice of bread, I have drastically reduced how much bread I eat. At breakfast time, I tend to stick to some of the better cereals & semi-skimmed milk. I find that this, when combined with an occasional banana, keeps me satisfied for longer.
  • I tend to think of it as being a lifestyle change more than just a diet. I do want to lose more weight but I also don't want to miss out on celebrations, holidays, going out, an occasional drink etc. First of all, if you are reasonably careful about what you have on the 'cheat' occasions, you are probably not going to be…