I feel like nothing I do works.

I feel like I've tried everything I could possibly try to lose weight. I used to weigh 120lbs when I played soccer but I tore my ACL and it seems like ever since then my weight has gone up and up and never down. :( although there was one time it did go down never back to my HS weight but I lost a good 25lbs on herbalife. Does anyone know of herbalife or have heard of it. I weigh 228lbs and I'm 5'2. I want to get to 150lbs. Honestly, I do not look 228lbs but not fitting into a lot of clothes reminds me significantly that I am 228lbs. :( help!!!!


  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    You say that nothing you do works. What have you done?

    You don't need fancy, expensive products like Herbalife to lose weight.

    Plug your stats into MFP. Weigh all of your solid food and measure your liquids. Log everything faithfully. Stay at the calorie goal that MFP gives you. Exercise if you want, but exercise is for health and fitness. Losing weight is all about eating less than you burn.

    Good luck!
    ^ This. It works.

  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    1) Set MFP up with your stats (select a reasonable weight loss rate).
    2) Eat your MFP calorie goal when you don't workout
    3) Eat your MFP calorie goal + 50% of your exercise calories (adjusting up or down over time based on actual results)
    4) Invest in a food scale. Weigh all solid foods for accuracy (even single serve stuff can have more than a single serving in the package).
    5) Use Measuring cups for liquids not for solid foods.
    6) Patience. Stick to it for 4-6 weeks and you should see some results.
    7) Remember that the scale won't move down every week. Some weeks you might see a gain (TOM for example causes water retention that can mask fat loss and show as a gain). Some weeks the scale might not do anything. It's perfectly normal. Using an app that smooths out weight fluctuations will help you see past the noise. Happy Scale (iOS) or Libra (Android).
    8) Take measurements. Usually every 4-6 weeks is a good time frame.
    9) Take pictures. This will help you see progress even when the scale doesn't seem to be changing.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    You say that nothing you do works. What have you done?

    You don't need fancy, expensive products like Herbalife to lose weight.

    Plug your stats into MFP. Weigh all of your solid food and measure your liquids. Log everything faithfully. Stay at the calorie goal that MFP gives you. Exercise if you want, but exercise is for health and fitness. Losing weight is all about eating less than you burn.

    Good luck!


    Please take this to heart. You don't need shakes, wraps, pills, or convoluted meal plans to lose weight. It sounds like you were very active before your injury and haven't every quite adjusted how much you eat to your new activity level. Working out the balance takes a little work but it will be successful if you're consistent.
  • guitargod2014
    guitargod2014 Posts: 10 Member
    I have, on and off, been trying to steadily get healthier, fitter and lighter. I fall off and stop because other events and motivation falls off. Then I feel that I want to do better and, when I do, I feel great - every day, and every night. I would like you to feel like this too.
    First of all, I like to think of mfp, exercising and fitness as 'mind' thing. To succeed, you need to always think about it and make choices about what you do and what you eat. I choose, 'choices' carefully as I think that you need to choose to eat healthily sometimes, and, occasionally, treat yourself - using mfp, I find that I can sometimes 'treat' myself and still hit my targets.
    So do try and make the right food choices, try to do a regular and varied range of exercise (of any types), and have the occasional treat.
    Do not set your mfp target too high, try to lose a modest amount of weight on a continuous, weekly basis.
    Just following modest mfp targets, you will feel better and will also be able to measure the results too - this will give you great motivation as will clothes which fit.
    Good luck, it is a long road but I hope that you get there.