

  • I think he meant 1 g of protein per KILOGRAM of body weight, instead of POUND, which would lower the amount of protein you need on a daily basis to a more manageable portion. This is the rule I follow as well.
  • i think the detox you are recommending is of refined and additive sugar, right? And not the good, complex carbohydrates? It would be too extreme in my opinion to eliminate grains and fruits from a diet to lose weight, because natural foods are there for a reason, to replenish us with necessary nutrients.
  • I go over my sugar limit everyday too, but that's okay, because I pretty much get all of it naturally from fruits and vegs. Don't know what part of your diet causes you to go over, but as long as it's good food and in appropriate portions, don't worry too much about it. You will get naturally occurring sugar in diary…
  • haha nice ideas guys. we all need snacks! I'd say my success with a diet, if at all, must be half attributed to healthy snacks that prevent me from binging on high-sugar, high-calorie, unhealthy sweets. One of my "thing" is the more natural, the better. I feel like snacks that come processed in neat little packages are 1)…
  • LOL yeah I was turned off by the unsightliness at first too! But then once I tasted it I never say no again haha. The way I do it: take it out and let it thaw for about 3-5 min (helps putting my mind off the craving too), then use a knife and cut the frozen banada lengthwise, finally spoon the contents out.
  • I cannot help you with muscle problems and stretching pain, but maybe offer you advice on constipation. I've been there and it's really a huge concern to people on a diet, because not only does it make life very unpleasant and even stressfull at times, but can seriously subvert weightloss progress. I had more severe…