

  • I log it. Makes me feel good knowing the possibility of a bigger number is there :) Mind Tricks I know....but hey whatever works :)
  • Thanks everyone.....I love reading these boards. Always full of helpful information and the Success Stories blow me away. Make me actually feel like I CAN DO IT...again. Story of my life...up down up down. Hopefully this will help me to KEEP it off!
  • I find I stick to the same for a while until I get bored then I find something else. But I am one that could eat the same thing all the time for a couple meals everyday and not bat an eyelash. I usually pick a few things then just rotate them. I too am not as strict on the weekends, I usually use those days to find new…
  • I am on this salad kick that is grilled chicken, 2 tbs. dried cranberries, 2 tbs. reduced fat blue cheese crumbles, fuji apple, and SF Raspberry vinegarette.... I Love it. Its so full of flavor and so filling! I love leftovers though....I would say that leftovers and the salad make up most of my week's lunches.