hanni23 Member


  • Hi, hope you don't mind me joining your group. I'm up in Manchester, but there didn't seem to be a group up here. I've been a type 1 for over 20yrs.
    in Hi Comment by hanni23 April 2017
  • Tbh I feel exactly the same about the gym thing...so I did a bit of shopping around before I chose which gym to join. The one I go to has a complete mix of shapes and sizes and a friendly atmosphere. It's always a bit intimidating at the start but once you've been a couple of times and get used to how things work there…
  • Friend request sent :) I'm fairly new to this site too and it's really helped me so far.
  • Hey, On droid phones...i use an app called cardiotrainer. It maps my walks using google maps, gives time, distance, calories and speed - it seems to be pretty accurate. You can also get add-ins for it that monitor weight loss and calories(tho I found the calorie one to be far too inaccurate for me)
  • Hi, For me it's usually boredom combined with stress...tho I worked out that my danger time for it happening was late afternoon around four - so I go for a walk at this time instead gets me out of the house and solves the boredom
  • Hi, You can add me...I live in Scotland. Always looking for new diet buddy's- i'll send a friend request
  • Hi, I'm new here too I'll add you
  • Hi, Carb free foods are usually: meat and poultry and fish (all the non-breaded/battered kind), also cheese, there are alot of vegetables out there without carbs in them but be careful because there are a number of exceptions - predominantly potatoes, peas, sweetcorn Hope this helps
  • Hi, Feel free to add me too. I'm new to this so don't having any friends yet
  • Hi, I'm new too... If you want to set up a blog, you go into the 'my home' tab and then in the blue banner there is an option for 'my blog' which will let you set up your own blog. You can choose through 'settings' whether you want your blog to be public or private. Hope that's useful.