Teresa_3266 Member


  • Happy Groundhog day!! :D According to our great Georgia tradition, the state’s most famous weather-prognosticating rodent, Gen. Beauregard Lee, emerged from his “Weathering Heights” lair to find no shadow. Yes!! Spring will come early. B) <3 As for the predictions of that Pennsylvania rodent….I plan to disregard as total…
  • Happy Saturday everyone! Work was slow today. Had one sale and then my lovely boss let me off at 4pm instead of 6pm. I was thrilled. Came home and made a nice chicken stir-fry for hubby and me. My calories are in check and I feel good about that. :D @To all the new people!! First welcome and second I do hope you will come…
  • Happy Friday!! :D Thanks Niki for doing the monthly update. You did a great job even though we all miss Robin and hope she comes back soon! :) My eating has been better today and I'm drinking a bunch of water to flush sodium from the Chinese. I should go for a nice walk around the store so I can get some exercise in today.…
  • Happy Thursday everyone! Went to meet my new doctor today. She is hubby doctor and since he likes her so much I thought I would give her a chance. She is an adorable, tiny, Filipino woman who has such a lovely smile and really looks at you when you talk. She was professional and friendly. I think I just might call her a…
  • @melifornia‌, For snacks I usually have things like string cheese, fruit, Greek yogurt, sugar free puddings. I also have two pieces of Dove dark chocolate every day. It's important for my mental health!! ;) My Wed wish is the same as skinnyjeanz. I want spring to get here!!! We just came home from church and I my poor…
  • Hey everyone! I have been crazy busy this week and I have had no time at all to check in. I did a quick read of the last several post and will pick up on personals tomorrow. I have been keeping up with my food tracking and exercise. I was cleared to back to normal activities after my surgery, which makes me happy! I hope…
  • Happy Saturday! It's my 12 hour day at work and things have been hopping around here. I've had a couple of good sales and lots of hopeful prospects. Much better than the last couple of days of staring out the window wishing for someone to talk to! :D My Saturday success is that my eating has been on point today and I've…
  • Vanilla Greek yogurt with a 1 TBS of honey and 1/4 cup of almonds.
  • I weigh the veggies that I plan to roast (this is after cutting, peeling, ect.) and I count the calories in the oil. Most of the time I make enough roasted veggies for hubby and me and I just add it all up and divide it in half. I'm not going to go crazy trying to be super exact with my calories as long as I figure a tad…
  • Thanks Niki! I often come home from work after closing the store at 8pm starving and needing something to eat. For instance tonight I will go home with my calories for the day barely past 1100. I know that I will need to eat a little something. I'm going to look into the fruit and oat idea. It sounds wonderful!! :)
  • Happy Friday! It’s chilly and rainy today so that might mean some customer coming into the store to hopefully buy and NOT just browse! Friday fitness: I’m back to working out on the treadmill and elliptical and will do my walking at work today to get as many steps on my Fitbit that I can. The scale is down and my fingers…
  • * I want to shop in any store I want and NOT in the plus size section * I want to look in my closet and know that ALL the close in there will fit me and look good * I want to see pictures of myself and not cringe in horror * I want to feel sexy * I want to be fit and healthy and live a long life * I want to wear boots!!
  • Happy Wednesday everyone! Today was super busy and I'm really worn out. First I got my hair cut and colored, then hubby and I ran all over doing fun stuff like going to Sams, the grocery store, Micheal's, and Hobby Lobby. The best part of the day was the weather. We were in the mid 60's and there was sun!! B) We even…
  • Happy Tuesday everyone! Just doing a quick run through. The women at my church our starting our own Bible study that starts in about an hour. I just made the most yummy pasta dish with tons of fresh veggies. Went over my calories a bit, but I will make it up tomorrow and eat much lighter. Sometimes you just have to have…
  • Happy Monday everyone! Well I went back to work today. Everyone was happy to see me which made me feel great. They even had balloons, a beautiful plant, and a card. One of the office associates Brandy even gave me some microwavable mac-n-cheese because I had been craving it the day before my surgery. I love her!! <3 Now I…
  • Happy Sunday everyone! Today was a good day. We went to church and then out to Cracker Barrel for lunch. Mmmm bacon and cheesy hashbrowns!! :p I’m wayyyyy over my calories today, since we also had pizza and a beer for dinner. But it’s OK!! Tomorrow I’m back to hardcore tracking everything I put into my mouth. Today was bit…
  • You are soooo right!! The more I looked the more it seemed I had some horrible cancer. My friend had asked me where I got my medical degree and I said, "WebMD of course! That's were everyone gets their degree." :D I'm feeling somewhat better this morning. Still tired and sore. Hubby and I are going to go run (i.e. walk…
  • Hi everyone! I know I disappeared again but this time it wasn't my fault!! :p I woke up Sunday morning with a pain in my right upper side. I thought maybe I pulled something in my sleep. The pain got worse as I went to church and then on to work. When I got home I went on Google and looked up the possible reasons I was in…
  • Hey everyone! Just a quick drop by before a customer wanders in tonight. Been here since 8am and have another hour and half to go. Long day!! Saturday success: I'm on day five of my new diet challenge and today I'm feeling really hungry! My co-workers ordered in fattening cheeseburgers that smelled totally heavenly. I had…
  • Happy Friday everyone....or what's left of it. I've been stuck at work all day and looking forward to going home in less than an hour. Not looking to going out into the frigid cold. Us Southern's aren't liking this cold and the store has been dead all week. Makes for really LONG days!! :# Thanks for all the warm welcome…
  • Hello everyone!! I'm back!! :D Thursday truth: Life at work, church, and home, along with holidays threw me way off my weight loss game. I stopped tracking calories, which is NEVER a good idea for me! I missed this thread but got so behind I just stopped coming. Sorry about that!! Anyway, I joined a challenge on the 5th…
  • Congrats!! Love your story. You are a true inspiration. :)
  • Quest bars are wonderful!! I microwave them for about 20 seconds and then they are soft and delish!!
  • This is the first thread I clicked since signing back on to MFP after taking the last two months off. I am back and I plan to log every.single.day!!! I will be 49 this year and I am NOT going to turn 50 and still be fat. Please feel free to add me and let's do this thing!! :D
  • I just ate a Halo and it was VERY sweet and tasty!! :) I also eat a lot of Yoplait Greek yogurt. My favorites are the Blackberry Pie, Strawberry Cheesecake, or the plain vanilla with a little cinnamon and honey added.
  • Hey everyone! Thanks for the kind words about my daughter. She lives in another state which I feel is a blessing. If she lived near me it would truly drive me mad to have to see her on drugs. Not that it makes a huge difference when it’s your kid where they live. Pain and fear has knows no distance. :( Anyway, I’m not…
  • Hey everyone! Once again I've been MIA. I started out with great intentions to keep on my eating plan and check in here often. But work went all crazy again with the holidays coming up. And then I found out my soon to be 23 year old daughter is back on her drug of choice. I'm just so fed up with her, as well as scared to…
  • Hey everyone! I have the next two days off work and I have spent most of today getting Christmas decoration set up. I LOVE getting my decorations up and getting covered in glitter!! :D It is soooo cold here in Gerogia. The high today was something like 40. :# Goal wise I’m doing well! I was so busy today that I hardly ate…
  • Hey everyone! I am just doing a quick check in. Life and work has once again been super busy. My weight however is down and I'm working hard at keeping that way. Although, with Thanksgiving and Christmas parties coming up it's going to be hard. I'm off to catch up on posts and all of your lives!! :D
  • I have Thanksgiving at my church, at my home, and then a Christmas party at my house. I have been buried in Pinterest recipes! I plan to totally enjoy myself during these occasions and I won't be tracking. However, I have been very diligent this month leading up to these food events, so that my weight hopefully won't freak…