jodimull Member


  • Hi Erin! I'm right there with you. I, too, am back at it again. Maybe having the support of this community will help. Not from GA, but nearby in TN :) We can do this today - one day at a time, right?
  • It absolutely is a challenge! I too try to work out before the kids get up. Sometimes I can work out during my daughter's nap (if she takes one) and my son's "rest time" in his room (he's 5 so napping is out). On the weekends, my husband watches the kids while I work out. Creativity in timing is key.
  • Sorry to be so slow to respond, I haven't been on in a while. I found Nut Thins at WalMart in the cracker aisle. However, I've since learned Kroger has a much bigger selection of flavors in their organic section.
  • We just discovered Nut Thins. Kind of like a cracker/chip but made from nuts. My son may have a gluten sensitivity and these are a great alternative to crackers, and healthier, too.
  • I am a 35 year old mother of 2, a 4 year old and a 12 month old. I have had a life long battle with my weight. About 10 years ago I began a strict diet and exercise routine and dropped about 40 lbs. I was able to maintain that well...until pregnancy. After each pregnancy I retained 5-8 lbs. more than before each pregnancy.…
  • Definitely interested! Just turned 35 and mom to a 4 y/o boy and 12 month old girl. I need some accountability partners!
  • Is there room for one more? I need some accountability.