

  • Hi, My names Nikki and I'm trying to find friends from all over but especially the UK if possible, need all the friends I can get as I tend to fall off the wagon quite quickly!
  • I have been using this site for 1 week now and I have managed to lose 2lb (not a huge amount but its a start!) but I am finding this a great site and it is motivating me to lose weight as it all gets recorded for the weightloss world to see!
  • I have a very varied playlist, I like anything by All American Rejects but the oddest one on my playlist is "Devil Went Down to Georgia" by The Charlie Daniels Gang. Also have Katy Perry, Train and quite a bit of 90's pop!!
  • Hi, I've been doing this for almost a week now and I find it far eaiser than other diets! CW 220 (15st 10lb) GW 210 (15st) by 6th May 2011 I have a little black dress that I need to get back into by then for a family party!! I will carry on after that date but I am hoping that I will achieve it! Is there anyone from the UK…
  • Hi Vanessa, My husband introduced this to me via an app for the iPhone, its highly addictive... but hopefully it will work, I started the diet and fitness routine today, got a goal to loose 7lb by the beginning of May for a family party!! Nikki