

  • has anyone heard from Christina Branson? I was reading her blog on P90X everyday and all of the sudden her blog is nowhere to be found and I haven't seen her post on here in awhile? Has anyone heard from her
  • So yesterday I started week 2. I LOVE p 90X, I have lost 4 pounds and a bunch of inches. I have really been watching what I have been eating and both my husband and I have been bringing it. Thanks to everyone on this thread, ya'll help to keep us motivated. I can't wait for PLYO X tonight. YEAH
  • I posted earlier that today is my first day with P90X. My husband and Ihave just decided to take our honeymoon for our 1 year anniversary next month (also because I work at a school and that is my spring break) the week we go will be our 5th week into it. The week before we go is the rest week. Should I not have the rest…
    in P90X Comment by jtomlinson February 2009
  • Today is my frist day with P90X and I can't wait to start seeing results. I watched all of the workouts this weekend to get a feel for what I would be doing and I am very excited about starting. My husband and I did Kempo X last night just for fun and had an amazing workout.
    in P90X Comment by jtomlinson February 2009
  • I just ordered P 90X for my husband and I and was wanting a ladies opinion on the system. I don't want to bulk up just slim down and gain some muscle. I am worried that I won't be able to do the pull ups and the pushups as I have a not so strong upper body. Any advice?
    in P90x Comment by jtomlinson February 2009
  • Beautifully said....and I love your quote about life and not waiting for the storm to pass but to learn to dance in the rain. It is perfectly fitting for my life right now and it gave me a little extra push when I read it today. Thank you