I wouldn't worry about changing it up too much at this point. Starting Strength (Rippetoe) and I think Stronglifts suggest you keep one program until you actually plateau. For a beginner that can take months. The more important thing is to lift consistently (i.e., don't miss days) and to track your lifts so that you make…
It's been a while since I've done SL so I hope people will correct me if I'm out of line. First of all, no one can add 5 lbs every week indefinitely. At some point you will plateau, that's just the nature of strength training. What I really liked about SL was that it was relatively high volume (compared to powerlifting)…
For what it's worth, I would suggest investing in a copy of Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength". He does a good job of breaking down how to do a proper barbell row (as well as the other lifts in SL as I recall). He has an alternate programming framework, but the mechanics of the lifts are the same and he breaks them down…