

  • I have a positive outlook after finding this site from the Today show. I log everyday which I find very helpful. I am now exercising at least 4 day a week for about 1 hour. I am trying not to weight myself everyday because we all know that when your over 50 usually menopause happens. I started menopause when I was 38 and…
  • Hello. I also just had a root canal done yesterday. I have been eating soups low in sodium or you can make a nice vegetable soup and eggs.
  • When I was in high school I graduated weighing 117 lbs. I was considered underweight. I weighed 120 lbs when I got married at 20. I never had any children so I can’t say it was because I had children. I was divorced at 24 still only weighing 125. So let’s see my weight I didn’t gain until I was 37. I was going thru…