

  • I wonder this too. If I'm not hungry I think it would be sort of counter active to eat just to meet my calories after working out. I'm curious to see the answers because I'm new to this whole healthy dieting and have been wondering too!
  • Thanks everyone! Luckily I do have a local farmers market,,, I'll go there and check it out, for some reason I just assumed they'd be more expensive- which is silly. I don't have any bulk stores nearby but there is one about an hour away so I'll take a trip and stock up. I'll also check out all those sites, you guys are so…
  • I know... it's so tough. I see things I want but can't justify spending money I need for rent on something that will last me for a meal and a half. I will stick to the frozen veggies too. One day we'll get those fresh ones! haha And there's a trader joes about an hour away from me, i think... maybe i'll head over and just…
  • that actually sounds delicious! going to try that asap!