With all three of them?
I only see a butt….I guess I could make out with that though.
PM Dawn Set Adrift on Memory Bliss
Of course…why wouldn't I?
I really want a perky PM. I really really do.
So…..Are we not talking about the weather.
I'd say run away…but he's already running away…so I don't know.
held down with restraints
Rick Astley …Never gonna give you up
I agree with Lord of the Rings. The Shire is a happy place.
Only if I can catch her.
Human Resources
Of course
I remembered I was heterosexual.
Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots or JT
Whatever she asked for
Not without using my superhero powers.
HAvent gotten any in awhile. I'll happily take some though…and even return the favor. I'm a pervert not realizing his full potential atm.
I can't seem to stop twerking! I twerk so hard I break things.
Fantastic show!!!
Grab….lets go get that truck stuck somewhere
Chainsaw, rubber gloves, 30 gallon trash bags.
Looks like my city hits the number 5 spot. Appropriate…-25 to -35 wind chills today and they didn't even think about canceling school.
pretty darn adorable all the way around
Zooey Deschanel: Memorizing! I could listen to her sing all day.
As noted by Peyton Manning 100 times on Sunday….Omaha!..Omaha!