Iaccardi Member


  • I would say to start at 1400 calories for two weeks. What you want to do is to weigh yourself every morning and take the average weight over each week. When you compare the weight you get from week 1 to week 2 and you see that you've lost 2 lbs, keep it going because you'll know its working. If you find that your weight…
  • After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.
  • Awesome decision. But I don't think you should define it as an addiction. Once you do, you'll trick your mind into thinking that you actually need it hence making it an addiction. Whenever you crave a sweet snack, and don't worry I'm right there with you, think about how you don't really want it. Try to associate that…
  • Without a doubt, watermelon. So good and keeps me full for a while. Also, killing two birds with one stone, provides me with a lot of hydration.
  • Hey there, motivation is key when working out because its there to keep you from slipping. I motivate myself with youtube videos as well as listening to music. This gets me pumped to work out and gives me some mental energy. Also, stay focused on your goals and why it is that you're doing all of this. Whenever we do this…
  • Hey, its great to see that you're motivated. Good luck on your journey