HOW to motivate yourself to lose weight??!!!!


How do you motivate yourself to lose weight?? I'm currently on my 3rd day of my 14 week weight loss journey. Does it get easier or not? I'm not tired or anything, but my muscles kind of hurt after weight training yesturday. I'm sticking to 1200/1300 calories every day (I burn around 400-500 cals everyday approx)

I'm on the verge of giving up! I know it's only been 3 days... I didn't binge or anything, just felt like it. I have 3 brothers and they're fit, eat a lot and the cupboard and fridge is stacked with high cal food like nuts, peanut butter, etc. IT"S HARD TO RESIST. But I'm upstairs in my room working at the moment.

How do you motivate yourself to lose weight?? I have Lorna Jane models and fitness model photos on pinned on my board, but it doesn't seem to work. I drink water/green tea whenever I get hungry because I would so love to eat more because its the xmas season but I can't. I know... great time to lose weight haha :( arrghh I'm screwed


By the way, I'm weighing 117pounds and wish to get to 102, because then.. I need to continue building muscle mass. My goal is probably around 105lbs because I'm quite short at 164cm. It's so hard to lose weight!! argh. I'm basically all fat now. flabby arms and only muscle in the legs, no abs or anything. arrghh life.


  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I keep photos that I thought were gross of myself myself around.
  • Zenferno
    Zenferno Posts: 2 Member
    So, I plugged in your height into a BMI calculator and you're already in the weight range you're supposed to be, and if you're strength training your weight is likely to climb as you build under-used muscle. If you want a more accurate measurement of actual fat loss the best way is going to be your waist measurement, and you should only measure that about once every couple of weeks.

    If you want to stick to this I would suggest easing into the calorie restriction. If you cut too much too fast you're body is going to do anything it can to get you to cheat.

    Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You're almost 5 ft 4 and a half and 117 pounds and you want get to 102 or 105?

    You've been on your weight loss journey for 3 days and you want to give up?

    You are only on a 14 week weight loss journey? Where did that magic number come from?

    No offense intended, but it sounds like you have an unhealthy body image. That's not good.

    All that asked, you don't need to lose weight. Instead, I would motivate yourself to eat at a slight surplus and do weight lifting to gain muscle instead.

    How to motivate yourself? The results are motivation enough for me. Eating 1,800-2,000 per day and seeing my weight come off at a nice slow steady pace. Feeling great because I eat enough calories to fuel my body.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    My motivation comes from within. I have goals that I want to achieve, and as I have progressed, those goals have changed and evolved to include different aspects of fitness.
  • Iaccardi
    Iaccardi Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there,

    motivation is key when working out because its there to keep you from slipping.

    I motivate myself with youtube videos as well as listening to music. This gets me pumped to work out and gives me some mental energy.

    Also, stay focused on your goals and why it is that you're doing all of this. Whenever we do this we can recreate that feeling of being pumped to get things done.

    One last way to stay motivated is definitely to keep pictures of your progress. Stack them up on the wall as you go from week to week or bi-weekly. Once you're able to see where you started and where you are now, you'll realize that your hard work is paying off.

    Good luck on your journey
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to lose weight??

    You don't. Motivation has little to do with it.

    What you need is discipline.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to lose weight??

    You don't. Motivation has little to do with it.

    What you need is discipline.
    Yep. This is a great point.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    So, I plugged in your height into a BMI calculator and you're already in the weight range you're supposed to be, and if you're strength training your weight is likely to climb as you build under-used muscle. If you want a more accurate measurement of actual fat loss the best way is going to be your waist measurement, and you should only measure that about once every couple of weeks.

    If you want to stick to this I would suggest easing into the calorie restriction. If you cut too much too fast you're body is going to do anything it can to get you to cheat.

    Good luck!

    LOL..I did the same thing. calculated her BMI.

    102-105 is underweight miss wanna be skin and bones malnorish Q.
    Lift heavy and aim for lean muscles at 115. you will be smoking hot at this weight! dont be so obsessed with the weight numbers. silly goose! ...darn kids!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I hated being a chunkster.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to lose weight??

    You don't. Motivation has little to do with it.

    What you need is discipline.

    Discipline often comes from motivation.

    OP: Motivation is pretty personal -- why do you want to lose weight? Do you want it bad enough to be disciplined ('cause Mr_Knight is correct that this is what you need). There are lots of tools to help you maintain that discipline - like MFP here - but you need to figure out for yourself what will be that initial spark.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Building small habits one at a time - changes to diet then changes to your activity levels for fitness. Combine those two for a few months and you'll love them both. I found it impossible to lose weight before but now it's no challenge. You can do it