

  • The same 2010 study is still being referenced (article from August, 2013):
  • So far, I've seen a link with a study that says it is possible and more study is required but I haven't seen any evidence. I also note that those claiming it's false haven't shown any evidence either. This isn't an accusation, just a call for reference. Anybody have any peer-reviewed studies to push this conversation one…
  • Something of a re-hash here but this is how overcame them during my own c25K journey: 1. Stretching. Can't emphasize this enough. Do some warming stretches before running. More importantly, STRETCH AFTER THE RUN. Post-workout, your muscles are hot and loose. This is the best time to stretch to avoid cramps, improve motion…
  • Atkins worked for me, and then I promptly gained it all back. Sugar is the enemy! Set your goal at 1.5 to start with. Do you exercise? If not, start with light exercise. I've found the key to consistent loss is retraining your habits. If you look at the Atkins diet and think, if I lose this much in two weeks, I'll just…
  • Keep in mind, that if you are losing too quickly on a consistent basis, you may risk altering your metabolism and possibly losing muscle mass even if you do work out. No need to go from 1600 to 3000 overnight. Start at 1900 and see how it changes your weight gain and how you feel. Just don't panic if you have a week where…