Atkins - help!


I am day 4 into my Atkins diet, and feel like I am going mad! I am sooooo confused with this diet it's untrue, but desperately need to lose weight. I know I need to keep my carbs under 20g, and thought it would be easy using MFP as it was recommended to me, but I can't work out my setting to help me do this.

Can anybody help me with this please???


  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    Weight loss is simple, your calories consumed need to be less than your calories burned.

    If you feel like Atkins is stressing you out, it isn't right for you. First thing you need to do is visit this link:

    It will tell you how many calories you need to eat per day to lose weight. Start eating healthy well-rounded meals and track every single calorie that goes into your body. It's simple :)
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I say, forget the diet.

    Diets don't work. Just eat regular foods in moderation.

    Is there a particular reason you chose Atkins? Low carb diets can sometimes do more harm than good.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    If you wanna adjust your macros on MFP, click "Goals" and click "Change Goals" and click "Custom" so you can adjust your own macros.

    If you feel like you can't stick with this for the rest of your life, I would find a plan you can stick with, because even if you do lose the weight, when you go back to eating "normally", you will re-gain. This is a lifestyle change, not just a diet. A permanent fix for a permanent problem! I just sent a friend request :)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Great advice from notnikkisixx

    Losing weight is something that you should find enjoyable including the food you eat. Atkins is quite restrictive, it does work for a lot of people but is not necessarily for everyone.

    You need to find a way that suits you, that includes the foods you love and that you can sustain for the future.

    Good luck
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    If you plan on doing Atkins read the entire book or at least visit the free website at

    This is a pretty simple way of eating. Lots of protein, non-starchy veggies and healthy fats. It starts out restrictive to retrain your way of eating and you ultimately wind up whatever amount of carbs you can maintain your weight at. I wound up around 25%and maintained on that for 6 months with no gain but am eating more now to bulk.

    There are atkins and low carb support groups here if you decide to go low carb.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Low carbing made me feel like death warmed up but I still did it for years because I thought it would be easier than tracking calories, and I had developed a mistrust of calorie counting.

    Fast forward and I've had amazing results by being able to work out my daily calorie needs, no doubt or mystery anymore, and drop about 10% body fat. I've also learned how to fuel my sports activities and get good results.

    Yes, I still get hungry, but I know I'm feeding myself enough, and I can track my macros perfectly.

    When I was LC I craved and binged, which was horrible, and unhealthy. I was also very grumpy.

    It's better to lose weight eating all your normal foods, just moderately, so you can learn how to maintain for the rest of your life.
  • lcheff
    lcheff Posts: 2
    Thanks guys for all your advice! :)
  • Atkins diet is helpful to lose weight. I have also tried it and getting good results on my health.
  • Atkins worked for me, and then I promptly gained it all back. Sugar is the enemy! Set your goal at 1.5 to start with. Do you exercise? If not, start with light exercise. I've found the key to consistent loss is retraining your habits.

    If you look at the Atkins diet and think, if I lose this much in two weeks, I'll just keep the same levels of protein/carbs forever - which doesn't work. Non-starchy vegetables are the key. Mixing in cooked and uncooked veggies to your daily diet is key.

    Calories in/calories out is the best starting point - but isn't the whole story. Good fats (nothing hydrogenated) can be your friend, but so can carbohydrates in the right amounts from the right sources. Whatever "diet" you start with, you'll have to adjust it to a healthy eating lifestyle eventually.

    If you're going to start with a diet, I had better luck with The Plan - mostly because it was easier to transition into healthy daily eating and because it taught me about liver health and maximizing nutrients in the calories you eat.

    Still, the God's honest truth is that the best thing I ever did to move towards being healthier is to reduce my liquid calories (no sodas or sweet tea) and to drink the amount of water recommended from The Plan. Good luck on your journey!
  • Ready2Loose75
    Ready2Loose75 Posts: 20 Member
    The first time I tried Atkins years ago I felt like you. I made it about a week before I could not do it anymore. I was constantly craving, always hungry, and eating nothing I enjoyed. Now I am on my own paleo-atkins mix. Got rid of all sugar drinks and fruit punches and drink water, only water, all day, everyday and I love it. I use to crave that cold Coke with dinner but not anymore. Next was bread, so long gluten. Again in no time I was over my bread addiction and could care less if I eat that dbl cheeseburger with no bread, I'm plenty full after. The biggest help was the snacking between meals. If I eat some boiled egg whites, cheese (I'm still on dairy), pork skins, etc. I never get hungry or desires to binge. Now that I've adjusted to it I am eating smaller meals to fill up than I use to lowering my daily calorie intake. I had to force myself to track everything I ate here to start with but now its a daily ritual I have to do, its one of the most important things I do everyday in my head now which makes all the difference.

    Whatever you do find something that works for you that you like doing and can stick with and good luck.