

  • Welcome back! I'm a 40 year old newbie to this site - but now a newbie to the yo-yo'ing of the pounds. Life happens, and it sounds like you've been through a lot lately - but it sounds like you're pulling yourself up by your boot strings, you know how to get it done and come fall you're going to be rockin' those work pants…
  • I agree - it's more a "mental breakup" than a "physical" break up. <although you may get some headaches from the caffeine/sugar withdrawls> I just try and make a concious effort to have a waterbottle with ice water and lemon in it wherever I go...I keep one in my car, work, home so there just isn't any excuse....and I do…
    in Soda Comment by Schafer1906 June 2014
  • Nice work ! :)
  • Hi There ! I turned 40 in April with the promise to lose the 35 pounds I have allowed to stack on over the last 3 years or so - but that obviously didn't happen. :) I am a regular gym go'er, but I'm also a binge eater, emotional eater, stress eater....and with a new job and moving - I've just lost all the motivation and…
  • I just turned 40, works FT and has two kids (11 and 7) a husband, an old cat and a 10 month old Great Dane (aka the small horse). Life is busy but I plan to lose 35-40 pounds. <which is my happy weight that I HAVE gotten to after my kids, etc. ) I have decreased on the exercise the last year and increased the bad…