Accountability anyone!!!???!!

Hi! My name is Ron. I have been here for about three months now...however, not very consistently. I am a 43 yo female with three kids, two dogs, three cats and a fish. You'd think I'd be in shape after all that..... Wait, I am in shape--my shape is round. In all the wrong places.

My biggest problem is motivation and accountability. I know that ideally I should be able to be my own motivation, but I really suck at that. That and getting off the couch. I really have a hard time with that.

I have been overweight most of my life, however I am very close to 300 lbs right now, and I am NOT a fan. Its time to do something about it. I am surprisingly healthy considering that right now I weigh in at a hefty 290. I am also 5'9", so I tend to hold my weight well. Gravity and heartburn have been taking over lately. Not a fan of that either. Gravity I cannot fight, but losing weight helps my heartburn tremendously and that alone has been spurring me on.

I also need to be able to be accountable to someone or I am really good at justifying why I cannot move my *kitten* off the couch, or why I don't need to walk the dogs today or blah, blah, blah not moving, blah. Really good at it. Trust me. Sadly, my biggest problem isn't eating too much, but more not moving enough.... I need something to get my fat *kitten* moving!

So I need someone, anyone, who won't put up with my bull****...and encourage me when I need it.

Anyway, if you want to be each other's cheerleader, hit me up.

And good luck with all your goals!! May the force be with you.


  • conniekat8
    conniekat8 Posts: 64 Member
    Why do you think inactivity is your biggest problem?
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    Oh my gosh! You sound just like me. Married, teenager, 3 dogs, 2 cats, work full time and a lifetime of not moving very much and getting bigger, faster after turning 40 (I'm 42 now). I'll help keep you moving forward and you can give me a swift kick when I need it! Lol Request sent
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    Your post made me smile. I am ALWAYS telling people that if I don't MOVE I will not LOSE!!! Friend request sent.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Friend request sent.. My problem exactly. If I do not move I do not loose. I need to lose 30+ pounds!! Lets do this! I am 42 and loosing pounds is harder than ever!
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Feel free to add me, but I will be an annoying cheerleader;) I just wrote bleacher drill for my family to do tonight, just get off that couch take those dogs for a walk, start with that. Get a heart rate moniter and see how many cals you burned that will inspire you to walk faster and farther, little things, baby steps. You will get there.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    749 days accountable here and would be happy to support and motivate. You have to start somewhere. Glad you reached out for friends. I swear if you follow your macros, this system works. Log your food daily & honestly & fit in activity you can handle to start & results will be sure to happen! Do it for you ~ you're worth it! :flowerforyou:
  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    Hey Ron, in a lot of ways I have the same problem, only I just need to stop telling myself what I need to do and actually do it. So maybe keep each other on track?
  • Schafer1906
    I just turned 40, works FT and has two kids (11 and 7) a husband, an old cat and a 10 month old Great Dane (aka the small horse). Life is busy but I plan to lose 35-40 pounds. <which is my happy weight that I HAVE gotten to after my kids, etc. ) I have decreased on the exercise the last year and increased the bad food................and Whomp - there it is............... I'd love some virtual support. :) I look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • rhi1083
    rhi1083 Posts: 3
    Great post :-) I'm feeling the same way.
  • be_AL
    be_AL Posts: 15 Member
    Many people have a misconception that a healthy style starts with diet or exercise. That's false. Before you can do anything, you need to get your mind focused. If your thoughts aren't organized and you're not completely sold on doing it, you won't do it.

    Take some time to do some self-reflection:

    -Write down goal for yourself in ALL domains of life (not just health).
    -Prioritize them.
    -Give them weights to define their importance to you. Does fitness outweigh the others?
    -Come up with action steps for each goal.
    -Make a schedule to start doing the things that will improve your life.

    If fitness isn't at the top, you won't make time in your schedule for it, you won't do it. How important is it to you, really?
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    Because I am lazy. It's a simple answer. I would seriously rather sit and read or watch a tv show than get my *kitten* off the couch. I am not trying to be sarcastic is the actual truth.

    I also realize I have created my own fat prison. When I am ready, if I am ever ready, to be completely serious about changing my lifestyle in both eating habits and exercise habits, I will. Until then, I just do what I do. Such is life. It's who I am.

    There is too much good food out there and I am not a fan of getting sweaty.

    And honestly, I have three kids and six everything cannot be put in a neat little list and/or schedule. I go with the flow.
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    Awesome!! The kicking each other in the *kitten* part, not the lazy and gaining weight I accepted your request!
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    Totes magotes my new friend!
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    LOL. I like that saying. If I don't move, I don't lose. And congrats on the 63 lbs lost! Great job!
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    Agreed! Why can't someone come up with a LEGIT medication to burn Why do we have to sweat that **** out??! I find it offensive....haha!
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks! I gotta start somewhere! Appreciate the support!
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    Haha. Good thing you don't know me in person...I would tell you where to go with all that peppy crap! KIDDING. I know what I need to do....its just getting off my *kitten* to actually DO it.. Therein lies my entire problem.

    I think my brain is keeping me Maybe a lobotomy is in order?
  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    I like that you know you can do it. I know I can do it too. I have done it before...but let myself go. Damn that food be so freakin' amazing.

    I am trying to make better choices when it comes to food, but I know in my crazy little brain that it is movement that is necessary for me to actually make progress.

    Thanks for the support! Looking forward to keeping each other posted!!
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I am great with accountability on my eating habits however, I am awful at exercising. I find it so easy when no one is counting on me to be there or motivating me to do it. I know I need to work on this but what I did was sign up for a crossfit gym. It is a hard *kitten* workout and there are at least 10 people counting on me to be there. If I am not there 1 time the coach calls to find out why. It is exactly what I need and being part of a team that motivates me is absolutely amazing :)
  • Shazam116
    Shazam116 Posts: 3
    I'm cheering you on along with the others! I applaud and appreciate your honesty. No two ways about it, losing weight is a challenge. There will most likely never be a convenient time to get started, yet and still...