

  • I am a happy married woman and don't take me wrong but I do have to tell you..."If that is your true body in that picture..Man you are ripped!!!!!!!!" What a great accomplishment and hard work and dedication!!!! (This was meant for another person that had commented..Dunno what happened)
  • I have issues in my back and neck and no medicines used in my treatment .The right kind of exercise will help with this issue.Therapy will help with the pinched nerve .If your not covered with your insurance for therapy there is other alternatives.Google is a world of its own with so much knowledge to gain and I do think…
  • the main thing is to have a made up mind. Start slow! Weight wasn't put on overnight and will not come off overnight..I recommend to start out with a goal of walking and becoming more active in that area. Starting out slow in distance and then push your self as the task gets easier for you. As far as healthy eating goes on…