In serious need of help

Hi there, I was wondering if you all could help me. I've tried losing weight for years but have never been able to.

I have struggled with self esteem my whole life, I've always been curvy. Not fat, just never skinny. Four years ago, I began taking a prescription drug called Seroquel and was never told of it's notorious reputation for weight gain. In the three years I was taking it, I put on 30-40 pounds. I've been off it for a year and I haven't made any progress in losing the weight.

Weight doesn't come off easy for me. It doesn't help that I honestly CANNOT afford healthy food. I am a full time student who can hardly afford tuition and rent, so I am forced to buy the cheapest food possible - canned goods, pasta, ect. I sometimes can't even afford to eat and have to go to food banks, which only give out canned goods.

This depresses me to no end because I feel like I am never going to lose weight. I feel hideous and self conscience. Some days I can't even go outside because I am so ashamed.

I have a gym membership with school, but finding the time is difficult. I'm not trying to make excuses, I know I have to go, but I've never been one to exercise - I hate doing it - so it's hard to just jump right in.

Does anyone have tips for someone like me?


  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    Do you have access to counseling at your school? I think it would help you to work on your self-image with a psychologist. I spent a year going to a counselor and it helped enormously.

    As for weight loss, just go on recording your meals every day. It helps a lot to do that. And I think maybe you should try to take a walk outside in the fresh air and daylight every day. Walk every day as long as you can, even if it's only 12 minutes. Gradually work up to 30 minutes if possible. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to get out in the air and sunshine every day.

    Good luck to you! School is important, and I'm glad you're focused on it. Later you'll be glad you stuck to it. But you need some fun and cheerfulness now. That's why I think a counselor could give you a whole new outlook on life.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    canned goods and pasta aren't bad foods. sure, some of the canned stuff might be more loaded with sodium, but thats it. and really do some research. you could probably buy dried beans and make a big thing of it yourself, that will last a lot longer then a can would. same goes for other foods. buy a family pack of chicken, cook it up. freeze half of it for next week. same goes for rice.

    keep your eyes peeled for sales. often frozen veggies are five for $5. i am a hardcore bargin shopper and keep my eyes out for deals.

    as far as exercising goes, you have to go. you have not been given less time during the day than i have. and you don't have to "jump right in" as you put it. no one goes from couch to hardcore athlete in a day. start small. start by going for a walk every day. too cold? go for a walk on the treadmill. just put the incline on, and walk. bring a book to read, or headphones to watch the gym tv or listen to music.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Can you write in a gym time slot like any other appointment? I do that so it's like an appointment with myself. Making excuses happens, I did it last week with snow and ice putting me out a couple of days and not just picking back up.

    I know you're on a tight budget so could you download a step counter for your phone? I know there's a bunch for droid. Going for 10k steps a day if you can't hit the gym would be a help on getting in exercise.
  • the main thing is to have a made up mind. Start slow! Weight wasn't put on overnight and will not come off overnight..I recommend to start out with a goal of walking and becoming more active in that area. Starting out slow in distance and then push your self as the task gets easier for you. As far as healthy eating goes on a limited income, think of what that can of Ravioli cost which is about $1.00 in our area and use that $1 for a small bunch of bananas. When you have to go to a food bank ask for a more healthier option of food choses for you. I donate to our local food banks and I do give healthier choices to them such as bean,tuna.Tuna is a very high protein and with a squirt of mustard for me its very satisfying..Food that is good for you will not taste the best when starting on your life changing journey because your taste buds are so use to all the "Bad" food. It takes time to adjust but keep forcing and before you know it you will be eating healthier and eating food you have never liked before. Another thing I feel is self esteem. You are your own kind of beautiful, find out who you are and where you want to be in life and shoot for the stars. Only you can do it with a made up mind and you have to destroy the negative in your life and say "I can do it" ! Blessings on your journey